When a user adds a new favorite item, the control can check if an image has been configured for that content in MenuSrcData. If an image is available, the control will display that image on the favorite button. If no image has been configured, the control will display two-letter initials to provide a visual representation of the content.
Additionally, the DisplayContentPath attribute is a useful option for users who want to see the complete path configured for their content in the MenuSrcData.
When this attribute is set to TRUE
, the full path will be displayed on the favorite button alongside the icon or initials.
Favorite buttons with DisplayContentPath set to TRUE:

Schema: tchmi:framework#/definitions/TcHmi.Controls.ResponsiveNavigation.TcHmiNavigationBar.MenuItemLitst
Attribute setter: setDisplayContentPath
Attribute getter: getDisplayContentPath
Available: since version 12.6.0