Using Recipe Management with the Curve Editor

The curve editor allows multiple profiles to be saved to a list of profiles. This profile list can be stored in recipes.

The following steps should be taken to use the TwinCAT Recipe Management feature with the curve editor.

1. Create a server symbol, which will be used as the source of the editor profiles list for the controller. Each curve editor control will require one symbol of the type CurveEditorConfigList.
Using Recipe Management with the Curve Editor 1:
2. Add this server symbol to a recipe type. It can be an individual recipe type or grouped with other symbols in the product recipe type.
Using Recipe Management with the Curve Editor 2:
Using Recipe Management with the Curve Editor 3:
3. Use this server symbol as the configuration symbol for the Editor Profiles property. Having two-way binding is the easiest way to update the symbol if there is any change in the configuration list.
Using Recipe Management with the Curve Editor 4:
4. With two-way binding, the server symbol will be updated on every change. And the recipe teach function can be called on .onUserConfigActivated event.
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Using Recipe Management with the Curve Editor 6: