Symbol of fbAxis that will be displayed and configured using this control. The axis symbol binding at this attribute must have a variable structure as explained below.
The top level structure must have the properties listed below:
Name | Type | Description |
ActPosition | Number | Current position of the axis |
ActiveMove | Integer | Index of the current move |
ActiveSegment | Integer | Index of the segment that is active |
MaxAcceleration | Number | Maximum acceleration |
MaxDeceleration | Number | Maximum deceleration |
MaxPosition | Number | Position max limit |
MaxVelocity | Number | Velocity max limit |
MinPosition | Number | Position lower limit |
MinVelocity | Number | Velocity lower limit |
fbAxisMove | ARRAY [1..2] of ‘Move Config’ | Array of moves |

Each move configuration structure or function block must have the properties listed below:
Name | Type | Description |
EndFunction | Integer | The move end function value. |
StartFunction | Integer | The move start function value. |
fbSegments | ARRAY [1..5] of ‘Segment Config’ | The array of move segments. |

Each segment configuration structure or function block must have the properties listed below:
Name | Type | Description |
Acceleration | Number | Set acceleration value for the segment |
Deceleration | Integer | Set deceleration value for the segment |
InUse | BOOL | This property is set to |
Position | Number | Set position value for the segment |
SegFunction | Integer | Segment function value for the segment |
Velocity | Number | Set velocity value for the segment |

Schema: tchmi:framework#/definitions/Symbol
Attribute getter: getAxis
Attribute setter: setAxis
Available: since version 12.6.0