Creating an array of this structure results in the alarm history. Each new, active and inactive message is temporarily stored in this array.
TYPE ST_TcTvA_Alarm_Itf :
(* last modification: 04.10.2008 *)
message data
see cnv_ItfStructType_TvA for format definition
sTime: STRING(23);
ErrorId: DINT:=0;
Count : INT:=0;
Bitmap : INT:=0; (* 5=AlarmInaktiv 4=AlarmAktiv 3=WarningInaktiv 2=WarningAktiv 1=Note 0=Empty *)
Prio : INT:=0; (* 3=Alarm 2=Warning 1=Note 0=Empty *)
Idx1 : INT:=0; (* module or drive no. *)
Idx2 : INT:=0; (* zone no. *)
i_align: ARRAY[1..3]OF INT;
Active : BOOL:=FALSE;
Pending: BOOL:=FALSE;
Signal : BOOL:=FALSE;
b_align: ARRAY[1..5]OF BOOL;
Name | Type | Description |
sTime | STRING | The cycle time (in seconds) of the PWM signal generator. |
ErrorId | DINT | Error number (this can be used to read a plain text message from an .XML file). |
Count | INT | Number of the alarm memory. |
Bitmap | INT | This can be used to visualize the state in an error message. Where 5=Alarm inactive, 4=Alarm active, 3=Warning inactive, 2=Warning active, 1=Note, 0=Empty. |
Prio | INT | Indicates the type of alarm. A distinction is made between Alarm=3, Warning=2, Note=1, Empty=0. |
Idx1 | INT | The module or drive number should be specified here (but can be used arbitrarily). |
Idx2 | INT | The zone number is to be specified here (but can be used as desired). |
i_align | ARRAY OF INT | INTEGER Alignment. |
Active | BOOL | By calling the function block FB_MsgAppend_TcTvA() an error is added to the alarm history and activated via this Bool. If the error is corrected, this Boolean is deactivated by the function block FB_MsgDeactivate_TcTvA(). |
Pending | BOOL | Alarms that are no longer active (Active:=FALSE) can be deactivated via the function block FB_MsgClearPending_TcTvA(). |
Signal | BOOL | For messages with Prio:=5 additionally Signal:=TRUE, whereby a horn can be activated. By calling FB_MsgClearSignal_TcTvA() Signal:=FALSE. |
b_align | ARRAY OF BOOL | BOOL Alignment. |