Global variables
Error Codes
Name | hex | dec | Description | Error-heating |
dwTcPfwTempErrNoError | 16#0000 | 0 | No error. |
dwTcPfwTempErrIllegalValue | 16#0706 | 1798 | Parameter has a value that is not allowed. Example: TempSensTerm is not allowed. | x |
dwTcPfwTempErrBusy | 16#0708 | 1800 | Terminal is already active. FB_TempCtrlCallback_TcPfw() reports this error if it finds the communication path busy. | x |
dwTcPfwTempTuneErr_NoSigType | 16#1001 | 4097 | During autotuning this error is reported if OutputSel_H does not select an active signal. |
dwTcPfwTempTuneErr_Parameter | 16#1002 | 4098 | In autotuning, this error is reported when the tuning parameters are not allowed. |
dwTcPfwTempTuneErr_NoTravel | 16#1003 | 4099 | During autotuning, this error is reported if the setpoint step-change is <25 °C. |
dwTcPfwTempTuneErr_NoSettling | 16#1004 | 4100 | During autotuning, this error is reported if the actual temperature of the zone is not stable before the heating test (actual temperature fluctuates by >2 °C). |
dwTcPfwTempTuneErr_Aborted | 16#1005 | 4101 | This error is reported when autotuning has been aborted by operator intervention. |
dwTcPfwTempTuneErr_ShortOfPoints | 16#1006 | 4102 | During the heating or cooling test, an insufficient number of measuring points was determined. |
dwTcPfwTempTuneErr_NoTop | 16#1007 | 4103 | When evaluating the measuring points of a heating or cooling test, no inflection point (= point of maximum slope) was determined. |
dwTcPfwTempTuneErr_NoResponse | 16#1008 | 4104 | The measured values cannot be evaluated. The zone has not responded or the measured values are heavily disturbed. |
dwTcPfwTempErrNotSupport | 16#4107 | 16647 | FB_TempCtrlCallback_TcPfw() reports this error if the terminal used does not support a required functionality. Example: The linked terminal is not of the specified type. |
dwTcPfwTempErrSnsUnderrun | 16#4450 | 17488 | The terminal reports an undershooting of the measuring range. | x |
dwTcPfwTempErrSnsOverrun | 16#4451 | 17489 | The terminal reports that the measuring range has been exceeded. | x |
dwTcPfwTempErrSnsHdwFailed | 16#4464 | 17508 | The terminal reports an internal fault. | x |
dwTcPfwTempErrDisconected | 16#4FF0 | 20464 | The connection to the terminal is interrupted. Not all fieldbuses and I/O devices support connection monitoring. | x |
dwTcPfwTempErr_NoResponse | 16#4FF1 | 20465 | Actual temperature does not respond to heating. | x |
dwTcPfwTempErrNotOperational | 16#4FF2 | 20466 | The terminal is not in an operable state. | x |
dwTcPfwTempErrIoSwapCollision | 16#4FF3 | 20467 | I/O redirection causes a collision. The SensTermSwapIdx variable in the machine parameters is probably not configured correctly. |
dwTcPfwTempErrAdsSwapCollision | 16#4FF4 | 20468 | TermChannel redirection causes an ADS collision. The SensTermSwapIdx variable in the machine parameters is probably not configured correctly. |
dwTcPfwTempErrInheritedFault | 16#4FF5 | 20469 | Hardware problem in another channel. |
dwTcPfwTempErrOverCurrent | 16#4FFE | 20478 | This error is generated when the deviation between the actual heating power and the set heating power is greater than the specified tolerance. See power measurement |
dwTcPfwTempErrUnderCurrent | 16#4FFF | 20479 | reserved. | x |
dwTcPfwTempErrSnsCommFailed | 16#5000 | 20480 | reserved. | x |
Errorheating: if errorheating is active, heating power continues to be output for errors marked with x and the zone is kept at temperature.
Declared global constants
Name | Description |
cnv_SupplyParam_TcPfw | Current version identifier of the ST_TcPfw_SupplyParam structure. |
cnv_TempCtrl_Itf_TcPfw | Current version identifier of the ST_TcPfw_TempCtrl_Itf structure. |
cnv_TempCtrlInput_TcPfw | Current version identifier of the ST_TcPfw_TempCtrlInput structure. |
cnv_TempCtrlOutput_TcPfw | Current version identifier of the ST_TcPfw_TempCtrlOutput structure. |
cnv_TempMparamFromHmi_TcPfw | Current version identifier of the ST_TcPfw_TempMparamFromHmi_Itf structure. |
cnv_TempMparamFileVers | Only for stand-alone operation: Current version identifier of the structure of the optional parameter file. |
cnv_TempPparamFromHmi_TcPfw | Current version identifier of the ST_TcPfw_TempPparamFromHmi_Itf structure. |
cnv_TempToHmi_TcPfw | Current version identifier of the ST_TcPfw_TempToHmi_Itf structure. |
Undeclared global constants
Name | Description | Type | Recommendation value/maximum values |
cnPfwTempCtrlFirst | Initial index to set the size of the array and thus the number of zones that can be controlled. | INT | 1 (recommended) |
cnPfwTempCtrlLast | End index to set the size of the array and thus the number of zones that can be controlled. | INT | 512 (depending on CPU) |
cnPfwScopeSampleFirst | Initial index to set the size of the array and thus the number of memory points in the scope. | INT | 1 (recommended) |
cnPfwScopeSampleLast | End index to set the size of the array and thus the number of memory points in the scope. | INT | 32767 (max.) |
cnPfwTempTrendFirst | Initial index to set the size of the array and thus the number of memory points in the trend. | INT | 1 (recommended) |
cnPfwTempTrendLast | End index to set the size of the array and thus the number of memory points in the trend. | INT | 32767 (max.) |
cnPfwAppSupplyFirst | Initial index to set the size of the array and thus the number of supply groups (usually 4; 1=phase 1, 2=phase 2, 3=phase 3 and 4 for multi-phase heating tapes). | INT | 1 |
cnPfwAppSupplyLast | End index to set the size of the array and thus the number of supply groups (usually 4; 1=phase 1, 2=phase 2, 3=phase 3 and 4 for multi-phase heating tapes). | INT | 4 |
cnPfwBoolOutSwapFirst | Initial index of the array out_SwappedDigitalOut (I/O redirection). | INT | 1 |
cnPfwBoolOutSwapLast | End index of the array out_SwappedDigitalOut (I/O redirection). | INT | 2 (when not in use) |
cnPfwBoolInSwapFirst | Initial index of the array in_SwappedDigitalIn (I/O redirection). | INT | 1 |
cnPfwBoolInSwapLast | End index of the array in_SwappedDigitalIn (I/O redirection). | INT | 2 (when not in use) |
Global variables of the framework
Name | Description |
aaaPfwTempMparamFromHmi | The machine parameters of the zones. |
aaaPfwTempPparamFromHmi | The product parameters of the zones. |
aaaPfwTempToHmi | The interfaces of the zones to the HMI. |
aaaTempAlarm_AbsoluteHigh | Collective message: Exceeding of the alarm threshold by at least one zone. |
aaaTempAlarm_AbsoluteLow | Collective message: At least one zone falls below the alarm threshold. |
aaaTempAlarm_High | Collective message: Exceeding of the positive inner tolerance threshold by at least one zone. |
aaaTempAlarm_HighHigh | Collective message: Exceeding of the positive outer tolerance threshold by at least one zone. |
aaaTempAlarm_Low | Collective message: Exceeding of the negative inner tolerance threshold by at least one zone. |
aaaTempAlarm_LowLow | Collective message: Exceeding of the negative outer tolerance threshold by at least one zone. |
aaaTempFault_Reset | Collective command: Reset of possible error states for all zones. |
bPfwTempLinksInitDone | reserved |
in_PfwTempCtrlInput | The input process images of the zones. |
out_PfwTempCtrlOutput | The output process images of the zones. |
stPfwSupplyLineCfg | The parameters of the supply groups. |
stPfwTempCtrl | The runtime data of the zones. |
out_SwappedDigitalOut | For the redirection of digital output signals. This array provides the interface for linking the digital outputs. (I/O redirection) |
in_SwappedDigitalIn | For redirecting digital input signals. This array provides the interface for linking the digital inputs. (I/O redirection) |