Commissioning (parameterization)
The following table lists all parameters necessary for initializing the temperature controller.
After changes have been made to the parameters of the aaaPfwTempMparamFromHmi, aaaPfwTempPparamFromHmi, stPfwSupplyLineCfg structures, they must be saved via the respective structure. For this purpose, the following variables are provided in each structure:
- SaveDelay: If a number in ms is entered here, the library counts from this number to zero. At zero, the file is saved and at -1, saving is inactive.
- SaveParam: Triggers immediate saving.
- LoadParam: Loads the parameters from the previously defined path.
During saving, a backup file is always created, so that the validity of the data is ensured at all times.
In the structure aaaPfwTempMparamFromHmi[...] the machine data are initialized:
Variable | Short description | Example value | Type |
ZoneName | Name of the zone | Z1 | STRING |
AbsoluteHigh | Temperature upper limit for alarm and shutdown | 250 °C | LREAL |
AbsoluteLow | Temperature lower limit for alarm and shutdown | 40 °C | LREAL |
ExtruderComp | TRUE: active; FALSE: inactive | FALSE | BOOL |
KpCool | P gain from PID controller (heating) | ... %/°C | LREAL |
KpHeat | P gain from PID controller (cooling) | .. %/°C | LREAL |
TdCool | The D-part (damping time) of the temperature controller (cooling) | ... s | LREAL |
TdHeat | The D-part (damping time) of the temperature controller (heating) | ... s | LREAL |
TnCool | Integral action time from PID controller (heating) | ... s | LREAL |
TnHeat | Integral action time from PID controller (cooling) | ... s | LREAL |
TvCool | The D-part (rate time) of the temperature controller (cooling) | ... s | LREAL |
TvHeat | The D-part (rate time) of the temperature controller (heating) | ... s | LREAL |
Overshoot | Overshoot after self-optimization | ... °C | LREAL |
Tracking_Td | Time constant for control with large setpoint changes | ... s | LREAL |
Ramping_Rate | Ramp slope in °C/min | ... °C/min | LREAL |
Ramping_Tolerance | Up to which setpoint step-change should a ramp be used? | 5 °C | LREAL |
dTmax | max. slope of the path for a step response | ... °C/s | LREAL |
SensorOffset | Offset temperature from temperature sensor | 0 °C | LREAL |
SettlingTime | path-specific time base | 5 s | LREAL |
SupplyLoad_Cooler | Cooling capacity | 100 W | LREAL |
SupplyLoad_Heater | Heating capacity | 1000 W | LREAL |
SupplyLoad_Tolerance | If the measured heating power deviates from this tolerance, an alarm is triggered. |
TuneEnd | Final temperature of self-tuning in relation to setpoint [%] | 80% | LREAL |
TuneKp | Setting factor for the Kp value | 01. Feb | LREAL |
TuneTd | Setting factor for the Td value | 0.2 | LREAL |
TuneTn | Setting factor for the Tn value | 2 | LREAL |
TuneTv | Setting factor for the Tv value | 0.5 | LREAL |
TuneY | Power output during self-tuning | 100% | LREAL |
TuneTrackingTd | Setting factor for the TrackingTd value | 0 | LREAL |
L_LoadIdle | Discharge resistance to the environment | 2 W/°C | LREAL |
ErrorHeatingFactor | Heating factor with control switched off | 20 % | LREAL |
fPwmStdMaxOnTime | Maximum heating on time when the setpoint is selected. At zero the MaxPWMOnTime of the SupplyLine is used. Value range 0.0...1.0 | 0.0 | LREAL |
fPwmMaxOnTime | Maximum heating on-time when one of the setpoints in the array is selected. At zero the MaxPWMOnTime of the SupplyLine is used. Value range 0.0...1.0 | 20 % | LREAL |
fPwmMinOnTime | Minimum heating on time when the setpoint is selected. At zero the PwmMinOnTime of the SupplyLine is used. Value range 0.0...1.0 | 20 % | LREAL |
Weighting_C | Factor between the determined heating and cooling parameters |
fc_OnTime | Switch-on time of forced cooling |
fc_OffTime | Duration for normal regulation |
OutputSel_H | Heating signal selection (see E_TcPfw_TctrlOutSelect) | 1 | INT |
OutputSel_C | Cooling signal selection (see E_TcPfw_TctrlOutSelect) | 3 | INT |
TempSensTerm | Sensor terminal type must be selected by E_TcPfw_TerminalType. |
SensorType | Type of sensor must be selected by E_TcPfw_TempSensType. |
TermChannel | Sensor terminal channel | 1 | INT |
ExtruderId | Extruder number | 1 | INT |
ModuleId | Assigns a temperature group to zones | 1 | INT |
ZoneId | Numbering of the zone of a machine | 1 | INT |
SupplyId | Supply group to distribute the power evenly among the three phases | 2 | INT |
CJ_CompMode |
CJ_CompZone |
SensTermSwapIdx |
HeaterSwapIdx |
CoolerSwapIdx |
InUse | TRUE: zone in use; FALSE: zone not in use The zone is only active in case of feedback from ST_TcPfw_TempToHmi_Itf[x].InUse. Requirement: ModuleId<>0; ZoneId<>0; SupplyId<>0 | TRUE |
UseCooling | Zone has a cooling. | TRUE | BOOL |
ExtruderCompEna | Activation of extruder compensation | FALSE | BOOL |
TuneCooling | Self-optimization for cooling | FALSE | BOOL |
Tune_IdleLoad | Self-optimization for IdleLoad determination. This would follow the heating power determination. | TRUE | BOOL |
Autotune | Self-optimization for heating | FALSE | BOOL |
Enable | Zone is active | TRUE | BOOL |
Update | The user interface indicates that values in this structure have been changed. | FALSE | BOOL |
EnaExtruderBlock | reserved | FALSE | BOOL |
NoFanWhileTrackDown | Do not use a fan when cooling down. | FALSE | BOOL |
Ena_TuneIdleLoad | Activate calculation of the discharge resistance. | FALSE | BOOL |
LooptestUpdate | Activate power measurement in this zone. | FALSE | BOOL |
EnableErrorHeating | Activate that the heating tape is supplied with a predefined power (ErrorHeatingFactor). | FALSE | BOOL |
NoFanWhileTrackDown | reserved | FALSE | BOOL |
Ena_TuneIdleLoad | reserved | FALSE | BOOL |
OpenloopHeating | Set output with a predefined output | FALSE | BOOL |
fc_Enable | Activation of forced cooling | FALSE | BOOL |
HibernateI_Cool | Freezing of the I-part for heating | FALSE | BOOL |
hibernateI_Heat | Freezing the I-part for cooling | FALSE | BOOL |
bSavingParams | Signal that machine data are currently being stored. |
| BOOL |
bLoadParams | Loads the machine data | FALSE | BOOL |
ReadBack | reserved | FALSE | BOOL |
In the structure aaaPfwTempPparamFromHmi[...] the product data are initialized:
Variable | Short description | Example value | Type | Note |
Setpoint | Setpoint during operation | 180 °C | LREAL | must be parameterized |
StandbySetpoint | Setpoint in standby | 60 °C | LREAL | must be parameterized |
Threshold_M | The inner negative tolerance limit, referred to the setpoint (threshold for the on-off controller) | -5 °C | LREAL | must be parameterized |
Threshold_MM | The outer negative tolerance limit, referred to the setpoint | -10 °C | LREAL | must be parameterized |
Threshold_P | The inner positive tolerance limit, referred to the setpoint (threshold for the on-off controller) | +5 °C | LREAL | must be parameterized |
Threshold_PP | The outer positive tolerance limit, referred to the setpoint | +10 °C | LREAL | must be parameterized |
Update | The user interface indicates that values in this structure have been changed, relative to the setpoint. |
| BOOL | optional |
In the structure stPfwSupplyLineCfg[...] the settings for the PWM are initialized and the connection between a zone and the supply network is established.
This information is only important for heating power monitoring and zooning. If both are not used, it is sufficient to initialize the array with one element.
Plastics machines are sometimes designed to contain several temperature control groups (extruders1..n, heating channels, etc.). These are partly supplied separately. These supply units are called supply groups in the framework. Each supply group consists of four supply lines (phase 1..3 and multi-phase elements) . Several heating zones can be connected to one supply line. The first supply line of a group represents the supply for the heating zones, which are connected between L1 and the neutral conductor. The second for L2 and N and the third for L3 and N. The fourth supply line includes all heating zones that are connected between two outer conductors in star or delta.

Variable | Short description | Example value |
| Parameterization level |
fPwmCycleTime | PWM cycle time | 0.1 s | LREAL | yes |
fPwmMaxOnTime | PWM maximum switch-on time (related to cycle time) | 0.9 for 90% | LREAL | yes |
fPwmMinOnTime | PWM minimum switch-on time (related to cycle time) | 0.1 for 10% | LREAL | yes |
fPwmMaxOnC | PWM maximum switch-on time (related to the cycle time) for cooling | 0.1 for 10% | LREAL | yes |
fPwmMaxRampLoad | reserved |
| LREAL | optional |
fActSupplyLoad | If a power measurement is performed, the current power can be read here. | ... W | LREAL | optional |
fActSupplyCurrent | If a power measurement is performed, the current currently measured can be read here. | ... W | LREAL | optional |
fSupplyLoad | The predicted total power of the supply line. | ... W | LREAL | optional |
fSupplyMatch | The ratio of fActSupplyLoad to fSupplyLoad |
| LREAL | optional |
nPwmFactorC | For PWM cooling, nPwmFactorC is multiplied by "fPwmCycleTime" (reason: cooling is often controlled via contactors). | 1 | INT | must be parameterized |
In the structure aaaPfwTempToHmi[...] the following display values are written back to the HMI:
Variable | Short description |
ActualTemp | Current temperature of the zone | LREAL |
SupplyMatch | Current measured power ratio (actual power/target power) | LREAL |
ActCurrent | Current measured from the zone | LREAL |
FileErrId | Error number if loading or saving of the machines or product data fails. | DINT |
ErrorId | Error number | WORD |
ModuleId | Module number | INT |
PowerLevel | Heating power output of the controller | LREAL |
ZoneId | Zone number | INT |
Cooling | The zone is cooling. | BOOL |
Enable | The zone controls to its setpoint. | BOOL |
Error | The zone is heating. | BOOL |
Heating | The zone is in error state. | BOOL |
FileErr | The zone could not successfully load or save the machine or product parameters. | BOOL |
InUse | Zone is used. | BOOL |
OnStandBy | Standby temperature is active as setpoint. | BOOL |
TuningActive | Self-optimization active | BOOL |
TuningDone | Self-optimization successful | BOOL |
IdleLoadActive | Calculation of the discharge resistance active | BOOL |
IdleLoadDone | Calculation of the discharge resistance successful | BOOL |
LooptestActive | Activation of the power control of the individual heating tapes | BOOL |
ExtruderCompActive | Feedback that the extruder compensation is being taught. | BOOL |
ExtruderCompDone | Feedback that the extruder compensation was successfully taught. | BOOL |