Such a structure contains the product data of a zone of temperature control.
TYPE ST_TcPfw_TempPparamFromHmi_Itf :
(* last modification: 11.11.2008 *)
see cnv_TempPparamFromHmi_TcPfw for format definition
Attention: HMI access via address
Setpoint: LREAL;
StandbySetpoint: LREAL;
Setpoints : ARRAY[cnv_TempCtrl_SetpointFirst..cnv_TempCtrl_SetpointLast] OF LREAL; (* AST: supporting selectable setpoints *)
Threshold_PP : LREAL;
Threshold_P : LREAL;
Threshold_M : LREAL;
Threshold_MM : LREAL;
Openloop_Output: LREAL;
SaveDelay: DINT:=-1;
Update : BOOL;
bLoadParams : BOOL:=FALSE; (* *)
bSavingParams : BOOL:=FALSE; (* *)
Name | Type | Description |
Setpoint | LREAL | The temperature setpoint of the zone. |
StandbySetpoint | LREAL | This value is used as the temperature setpoint by the zone in standby. |
Setpoints | ARRAY OF LREAL | Additional setpoints can be specified here, which can be easily switched over via an index. The number of the index is to be specified in TempCtrl.SelectSetpoint. |
Threshold_PP | LREAL | The outer positive tolerance limit. |
Threshold_P | LREAL | The inner positive tolerance limit. |
Threshold_M | LREAL | The inner negative tolerance limit. |
Threshold_MM | LREAL | The outer negative tolerance limit. |
Openloop_Output | LREAL | Control value output if no actual temperature is available. |
SaveDelay | DINT | Memory delay in µs. After a time written to this variable by the application, the saving of the actual values is triggered. (If the value is zero, the system is saved; if it is -1, the system is at rest; if the value is greater than zero, the system is saved after the time has elapsed) |
Update | BOOL | With a TRUE the user interface signals here that it has changed values in this structure. The framework will check these values, adjust them if necessary and adopt them. |
bLoadParams | BOOL | This flag triggers the saving of the parameters. |
bSavingParams | BOOL | Signals to the application that data are being saved. |