
The Plastics Processing Framework facilitates the setup of PLC projects for plastics machines. The goal of the Plastics Processing Framework is to combine the basic elements that are present in every plastics machine into one package.

Specifically, the following topics are covered:

This documentation is divided into three different modules:

Each module is organized as follows:

Introduction 1:

Software version

The documentation is based on software version 1.0.9 of PfwLib_Processing.lib. In older versions of PfwLib_Processing.lib it cannot be guaranteed that all functions explained here are implemented.

Introduction 2:

Knowledge Base

All the functions, function blocks and data types present in this framework part are listed here. You will find answers to frequently asked questions and notes on the use of the framework, commissioning, problem analysis and sample projects in the Knowledge Base. Observe the notes on documentation.

Some of the components listed here are not intended to be used by an application. Their presence, interface and behavior is therefore not guaranteed. Because, however, a TwinCAT PLC Framework is strictly open, it is not possible to hide these internal components. It is, nevertheless, essential to avoid calling these components, identified with (internal use only) or (not recommended), directly from an application. If one of these components would, in practice, be useful for you, please make contact with our Support Department. We will then examine the possibility of making the function block available to you, independently of the library, and for you to then take the responsibility for using it.

If the library contains function blocks, types or constants that are not listed in the documentation, then these are elements that have not yet been approved, and are the subject of current software maintenance and development work. These elements must never be directly used in an application, because they are, as a general rule, not yet tested.

The framework makes a number of hardware and software requirements.