The function block FB_BA_AO is used for output and scaling of an analog output. The input value at rX is converted into an output value from 0 to 32767 or 0-10 Volt or 4-20 mA by means of a linear equation.


The operating mode is set via the input udiOpMod:

In automatic mode (udiOpMod= 0) the input value rX is passed on.

In manual mode (udiOpMod= 1) the input value rXManual is passed on.


rX        : REAL;
rX01      : REAL;
rX02      : REAL;
rY01      : REAL;
rY02      : REAL;
udiOpMod  : UDINT(0..1);
rXManual  : REAL;

rX: Input value of the process in automatic mode.

rX01: x-value for the interpolation point P1.

rX02: x-value for the interpolation point P2.

rY01: y-value for the interpolation point P1.

rY02: y-value for the interpolation point P2.

udiOpMod: Selection of the operating mode (0 = Automatic, 1 = Manual).

rXManual: Input value for manual operation.


rY    : REAL;
TO_iY : INT;

rY: Output signal as floating point number.

TO_iY: Output signal as integer value for linking to the output value of the bus terminal in the I/O section of the program.


Development environment

Required PLC library

TwinCAT from v3.1.4024.7

Tc3_BA from v1.1.6.0