
FB_BA_Motor1St 1:

Function block for controlling a simple single-stage motor.

The input bEn is used for general enabling of the motor.

The input udiOpMode is used to set the operating mode of the motor:

In automatic mode (udiOpMode= 0) the motor can be operated via the input bAuto (bAuto = bQ = TRUE).

The collection of all possible malfunctions of a motor is connected to bDst.


bEn       : BOOL;
bAuto     : BOOL;
bDst      : BOOL;
udiOpMode : UDINT;

bEn: Enable motor.

bAuto: Request of the actuator in automatic mode (udiOpMode = 0).

bDst: Input for collecting the possible motor malfunctions.

udiOpMode: Select the operating mode (0 = Automatic, 1 = Manual off, 2 = Manual on).


bQ  : BOOL;

bQ: Control output.


Development environment

Required PLC library

TwinCAT from v3.1.4024.7

Tc3_BA from v1.1.6.0