
FB_BA_Blink 1:

This function block is an oscillator with adjustable pulse and pause time, udiTiOn_ms and udiTiOff_ms [ms]. It is enabled with a TRUE signal at bEn and starts with the pulse phase.

FB_BA_Blink 2:

udiTiNextSwi_sec is a countdown [s] to the next change of bQ.


bEn          : BOOL;
udiTiOn_ms   : UDINT;
udiTiOff_ms  : UDINT;

bEn: Function block enable.

udiTiOn_ms: pulse time [ms].

udiTiOff_ms: pause time [ms].


bQ                : BOOL;
udiTiNextSwi_sec  : UDINT;

bQ: Oscillator output.

udiTiNextSwi_sec: Countdown to next change of bQ [s].


Development environment

Required PLC library

TwinCAT from v3.1.4024.7

Tc3_BA from v1.1.6.0