
FB_BA_SunBldEvt 1:

This function block serves to preset the position and angle for any desired event. It can be used, for example, in order to drive to a parking position or to drive the blind upward for maintenance.

The function is activated via the input bEn. If this is the case, the active flag in the positioning telegram (bActv in stSunBld) at output stSunBld is set, and the values entered for the In/Out variables rPos for the blind height [%] and rAngl the louvre angle [°] are passed on in this telegram. If the function is no longer active due to the resetting of bEn, then the active flag in the positioning telegram stSunBld is reset and the positions for height and angle are set to "0". The priority function block (e.g. FB_BA_SunBldPrioSwi4) enables a function with lower priority to take over the control by resetting.


bEn      : BOOL;
rPos     : REAL;
rAngl    : REAL;

bEn: A TRUE signal on this input activates the function block and transfers the entered setpoint values together with the active flag in the positioning telegram ST_BA_SunBld. A FALSE signal resets the active flag again and sets position and angle to zero.

rPos: Height position of the blind [%] in case of activation.

rAngl: Louvre angle of the blind [°] in case of activation.


stSunBld   : ST_BA_SunBld;
bActv      : BOOL;

bActv: Corresponds to the boolean value bActv in the blind telegram ST_BA_SunBld and is solely used to indicate whether the function block sends an active telegram.

stSunBld: Output structure of the blind positions, see ST_BA_SunBld


Development environment

Required PLC library

TwinCAT from v3.1.4024.7

Tc3_BA from v1.1.6.0