FB_BA_FltrPT1 1:

First order filter.

FB_BA_FltrPT1 2:

When the function block is first called (system start), the output rOut is automatically set (once) to the input rIn.


rIn              : REAL;
udiDampConst_sec : UDINT;
bSetActl         : BOOL;

rIn: Input signal

udiDampConst_sec: Filter time constant [s]. Internally limited to values between 0 and 86400.

bSetActl: A rising edge at this input sets the output value rOut to the input value rIn.


rOut    : REAL;

rOut: Filtered output signal.


Development environment

Required PLC library

TwinCAT from v3.1.4024.7

Tc3_BA from v1.1.6.0