Building Automation I/O Export

This plugin creates a list of all symbols of the types "Tc3_XBA.FB_BA_**_Raw" that are present in the opened route or snapshot. The symbols found can be saved as CSV or TwinCAT Function Block.

Starting the I/O export

The I/O export is available in an open route or snapshot.

It can be found as a button in the top toolbar:

Building Automation I/O Export 1:

A window opens in which the RAW objects can first be sorted according to their own I/O process types or according to the type of the parent element:

Building Automation I/O Export 2:

If sorted according to the I/O process type(I/O Type), the object is sorted according to its own type.

When sorting according to the type of the parent element (Parent Type), the type of the parent element is decisive.

The preview (Preview of the Selection) is updated as a result of the upper selection.

The objects are sorted into the categories Binary Input, Binary Output, Analog Input and Analog Output:

Building Automation I/O Export 3:

If no symbols were found, a check should be made to see whether the Solution contains symbols of the types Tc3_XBA.FB_BA_**_Raw.

In addition, the Symbol Explorer must be set so that the entry Other is selected in the Symbol Entry Point dialog under Symbol Type Selection.

Building Automation I/O Export 4:

For a snapshot, this must be set in the Symbol Entry Point dialog of a route before it is created. Otherwise these symbols will not be saved in a snapshot.

The RAW variables found can be exported using the '💾 Export' button.

A CSV file and/or a TwinCAT Function Block is available as an export option.

The name of the function block can be entered in the text field Function Block Name.

The TwinCAT Function Block can be used as a global interface for address mappings.

For use, all placeholders ('YOUR_IO_**') must be replaced with the corresponding I/O variables.