The global variable list contains value flags.
{region 'Room-Automation'}
nEvtIncLight : ULINT;
nEvtIncSunBld : UDINT;
{region 'Constants'}
{region 'General'}
nNoActivePrio : UDINT := 16#FFFFFFFF; // Value of the constant indicates that no priority is active
Name | Type | Description |
nEvtIncLight | ULINT | Counter light telegrams. Telegrams of certain function blocks, e.g. FB_BA_LightingEvt are instantiated more often in a building. If they send telegrams of the same priority, it is desirable that the last one sent is valid. To do this, these function blocks increment the global counter nEvtIncLight. Telegram selectors of type FB_BA_LightingTgmSel4/FB_BA_LightingTgmSel8 evaluate this counter and accept the last telegram sent. |
nEvtIncSunBld | UDINT | Same functionality as nEvtIncLight, only for sun protection. The telegram selectors are here: FB_BA_SunBldTgmSel4/FB_BA_SunBldTgmSel8. |
nNoActivePrio | UDINT | The value of the constant indicates that no priority is active. |