Client variables

The client FBs provide various information about the status of the peer connection.


eDevState: Describes the state machine in the connection phase. Should be eComplete if all steps were successful.

bEthLink: TRUE if the connection has been established.

bGateway: TRUE if the IP address setting contains gateway information (IT router).

_bHasStarted: TRUE if the state machine is started.

_nUpdateCount: This value is incremented in each cycle.


bAutoResetObjError: If set to TRUE, the client state machine is automatically reset in case of communication interruption.

bSuppRpm: TRUE, if the peer device supports ReadPropertyMultiple.

bSuppCov: TRUE means that the peer device supports ChangeOfValue.

bSuppCovP: TRUE means that the peer device supports ChangeOfValueProperty.

bReady: The FB is initialized and ready to request data from the peer device.

bConnected: TRUE means that a connection to the peer device has been successfully established.

If the client does not use automatic mode, these variables determine which services are used to retrieve the values: bSuppRpm, bSuppCov, bSuppCovP