Client POUs
Remote FBs for programming a BACnet client are named "FB_BACnetRM_" followed by the abbreviation given in the following table, e.g.
the FB_BACnetRM_AI represents a remote FB for accessing an analog input object in a peer device.
ACC | Accumulator | This object type represents accumulated (pulse) values. |
AI | Analog Input | This object type represents physical analog input information, e.g. a sensor value. |
AO | Analog Output | This object type represents physical analog output information, e.g. via a 0-10V output. |
AV | Analog Value | This object type represents a (virtual) analog value information, e.g. a setpoint. |
AV_Disp | Analog Value Display | This object type represents read-only analog value information. |
AV_Setp | Analog Value Setpoint | This object type represents writable but not commandable analog value information, priority array and relinquish default are not provided. |
AVG | Averaging | This object type represents an averaging object that provides statistical information. |
BI | Binary Input | This object type represents a binary input information, e.g. the state of a lamp or a fuse. |
BO | Binary Output | This object type represents a binary output information, e.g. via a switch. |
BV | Binary Value | This object type represents a (virtual) binary value information, e.g. an error state. |
BV_Disp | Binary Value Display | This object type represents read-only binary value information. |
BV_Setp | Binary Value Setpoint | This object type represents a writable but not commandable binary value information, priority array and relinquish default are not provided. |
CAL | Calendar | This object type represents calendar (date-based) information. |
CMD | Command | This object type represents command information (scene information). |
Device | Device | This object type represents the physical device. It contains information such as the local clock, vendor, model name and more. |
EE | EventEnrollment | This object type is used to apply event monitoring in addition to intrinsic reporting, e.g. to implement warning limits. |
ELOG | Eventlog | This object type represents an event log buffer, e.g. to store alarms locally. |
File | File | This object type represents files, e.g. the current configuration or persistent data. |
Group | Group | This object type represents a group of objects. |
Loop | Control Loop | This object type represents control loops, e.g. a PI or PID loop. |
Loop_Cnv | Control Loop | Like Loop object, additionally P, I and D and the respective units are provided. |
MI | Multistate Input | This object type represents a physical multistate input information, e.g. a local operating modes switch. |
MO | Multistate Output | This object type represents a physical multistate output information, e.g. an operating modes switch controlled by the PLC. |
MV | Multistate Value | This object type represents a (virtual) multistate value information, e.g. a program parameter. |
MV_Disp | Multistate Value Display | This object type represents read-only multistate value information. |
MV_Setp | Multistate Value Setpoint | This object type represents writable but not commandable multistate value information, priority array and relinquish default are not provided. |
NC | Notification Class | This object type represents an alarm class to notify recipients. |
PC | Pulse Converter | This object type represents converted pulse information, e.g. energy consumption in kWh. |
Prog | Program | This object type represents the PLC program. |
SchedA | Schedule Analog | This object type represents a schedule with analog values. |
SchedB | Schedule Binary | This object type represents a list of binary values. |
SchedM | Schedule Multistate | This object type represents a schedule with multistate values. |
TLM | Trendlog Multiple | This object type represents a trendlog object that supports multiple channels. |
Tlog | Trendlog | This object type represents a trendlog object that supports a single channel. |