Primitive Value object types


Single Date Value

This object type represents a certain single date information (day, month, year-1900, weekday).


Date Pattern Value

This object type represents a date pattern. The pattern value 255 can be used as a wildcard.


Date and Time Value

This object type represents a combination of a specific date and time.


Date and Time Pattern Value

This object type represents a combination of date and time patterns.


Signed Integer Value

This object type represents a signed integer value.


Large Analog Value (LREAL)

This object type represents a large analog value (8 BYTE LREAL).


Character String Value

This object type represents string information.


Time Value

This object type represents a specific time (hour, minute, second, hundredths of a second).


Time Pattern Value

This object type represents a time value that supports patterns.


Unsigned Integer Value

This object type represents a positive integer value (UNSIGNED).

Some function block names contain a suffix:

_IO: These FBs are intended for connection to hardware terminal channels. The required AT%I* and AT%Q* variables are specified in the FB implementation.
E.g. a BinaryOutput_IO provides these variables to connect to terminal channels:
bRawOvrrd AT %I* : BOOL; // Raw overridden (Optional)
bRawValFdbk AT %I* : BOOL; // Raw feedback Value (Optional)
bRawVal AT %Q* : BOOL; // Raw value

_ECAT: These FBs are intended for connection to EtherCAT hardware terminal channels. The difference to the FBs with the suffix _IO is the variable nRawState, which is used to determine the Underrange/Overrange state.

_Raw: If the PLC provides the value for the BACnet object, the raw value and the raw state can be provided by the PLC program.
Example: FB_BACnet_AI_Raw:
nRawState : USINT; // Raw state
// - Underrange: 0x01
// - Overrange: 0x02
// - Error: 0x04
nRawVal : INT; // Raw value

_Disp: These function blocks refer to value object types that represent read-only values such as the current room temperature. Present_Value is not writable.

_Event: These function blocks refer to a value object similar to the type _Disp (read-only). In addition, these function blocks support Event Reporting. Present_Value is not writable.

_Setp: These function blocks refer to setpoints. Setpoints are writable BACnet objects without command prioritization ("last writer wins"). Present_Value is writable, but not commandable.

_Buf: These function blocks implement a log buffer in the PLC. This can be used for local visualizations of trend log or event log information.

_5P: These function blocks refer to commandable output or value objects that provide a set of 5 priorities for command prioritization. The priority level of each of the 5 priorities can be set in the global BACnet_Param settings.

Default settings:

Priority category

Default value



Critical Equipment Control


Minimum on/off times

6 (defined by the BACnet standard, cannot be changed)

Manual Local Operator

7 (local visualization)

Manual operator

8 (BMS)

Program (PLC)


_IO5P: Same as _5P, but used for connection to hardware terminals.

_Raw5P: Same as _5P, but the process value is provided by the PLC.

_Ref: (Loop object type) These function blocks refer to loop objects that support external analog objects for the setpoint, manipulated variable and feedback value. See chapter Control loops.