
FB_ScenesVenetianBlind 1:

This function block is intended for the management of blind scenes. The function block is enabled via the bEnable input. The loading of the saved scenes is started by a positive edge at the bEnable input. The input must remain TRUE until the operation is completed. The values of the scenes are saved non-volatile in the TwinCAT Boot directory as a *.bin file. The last data status is saved in a *.bak file as a backup.

Save scene

The values of the inputs nActualValueBlinding_1..7 are saved in the respective scene by a rising edge at the input bSaveScene_1...16.

Load scenes

The saved values are output at the output nBlindValue_1..7 by a rising edge at the input bInvokeScene_1..16. Furthermore, a positive edge is generated at the output bSetBlindValue_1..7 for one PLC cycle.


bEnable                 : BOOL;
bInvokeScene_1          : BOOL;
bInvokeScene_2          : BOOL;
bInvokeScene_4          : BOOL;
bInvokeScene_5          : BOOL;
bInvokeScene_6          : BOOL;
bInvokeScene_7          : BOOL;
bInvokeScene_8          : BOOL;
bInvokeScene_9          : BOOL;
bInvokeScene_10         : BOOL;
bInvokeScene_11         : BOOL;
bInvokeScene_12         : BOOL;
bInvokeScene_13         : BOOL;
bInvokeScene_14         : BOOL;
bInvokeScene_15         : BOOL;
bInvokeScene_16         : BOOL;
bSaveScene_1            : BOOL;
bSaveScene_2            : BOOL;
bSaveScene_3            : BOOL;
bSaveScene_4            : BOOL;
bSaveScene_5            : BOOL;
bSaveScene_6            : BOOL;
bSaveScene_7            : BOOL;
bSaveScene_8            : BOOL;
bSaveScene_9            : BOOL;
bSaveScene_10           : BOOL;
bSaveScene_11           : BOOL;
bSaveScene_12           : BOOL;
bSaveScene_13           : BOOL;
bSaveScene_14           : BOOL;
bSaveScene_15           : BOOL;
bSaveScene_16           : BOOL;
nActualValueBlinding_1  : UINT;
nActualValueBlinding_2  : USINT;
nActualValueBlinding_3  : USINT;
nActualValueBlinding_4  : USINT;
nActualValueBlinding_5  : USINT;
nActualValueBlinding_6  : USINT;
nActualValueBlinding_7  : USINT;
sFile                   : STRING;
nOptions                : DWORD;

bEnable: enables the function block.

bInvokeScene_1..16: calls the respective scene.

bSaveScene_1..16: saves the current analog value nActualValueBlinding_1..14 in the respective scene.

nActualValueBlinding_1..7: current control value of the respective blind. Return value from the blind function block FB_VenetianBlindEx().

sFile: file name (without path and file extension) for saving the scenes. The file name must be unique in the entire project. If several instances of the function blocks FB_ScenesLighting() or FB_ScenesVenetianBlind() are created, then each instance must use a different file name. The file is always saved to the TwinCAT Boot directory and is given the extension .bin. Example: 'ControlPanelA'.

nOptions: Reserved for future developments.


bSetBlindValue_1   : BOOL;
nBlindValue_1      : USINT;
bSetBlindValue_2   : BOOL;
nBlindValue_2      : USINT;
bSetBlindValue_3   : BOOL;
nBlindValue_3      : USINT;
bSetBlindValue_4   : BOOL;
nBlindValue_4      : USINT;
bSetBlindValue_5   : BOOL;
nBlindValue_5      : USINT;
bSetBlindValue_6   : BOOL;
nBlindValue_6      : USINT;
bSetBlindValue_7   : BOOL;
nBlindValue_7      : USINT;
bInit              : BOOL;
bError             : BOOL;
nErrorId           : UDINT;

bSetBlindValue_1..7: output with the edge for the input bPosition of the function block FB_VenetianBlindEx().

nBlindValue_1..7: output with the value for the input nSetPosition of the function block FB_VenetianBlindEx().

bInit: this output goes TRUE as soon as the initialization of the function block is complete.

bError: this output is set to TRUE as soon as an error is detected during execution. The error code is contained in nErrorId.

nErrorId: contains the error code as soon as bError goes TRUE. See Error codes.


Development environment

Required PLC library

TwinCAT from v3.1.4020.32

Tc2_BABasic from v3.1.0.0