A positive edge at the bOn input sets the bLight output. The output is reset by a positive edge at the bOff input. If a positive edge is presented to bToggle, the output is negated; i.e., if On it goes Off, and if Off it goes On.
bOn : BOOL;
bOff : BOOL;
bToggle : BOOL;
bOn: Switches the output on.
bOff: Switches the output off.
bToggle: Negates the state of the output.
bLight : BOOL;
bLight: The output is set with a positive edge at bOn .
Example 1:
In the following example a light is operated by two switches.
If either the bSwitchA or the bSwitchB button is pressed, then the state of the light, as represented by the bLight output, is changed.
Example 2:
In the following example the bSwitchMasterOff switch is used to switch the bLampKitchen and bLampGarage lights off together. This function can be used, for instance, for central control of an area of a building.
Development environment | Required PLC library |
TwinCAT from v3.1.4020.32 | Tc2_BABasic from v3.1.0.0 |