
List entry for a shading object.

TYPE ST_BARShadingObject :
     lrP1x          : LREAL;
     lrP1y          : LREAL;
     lrP1z          : LREAL;
     lrP2x          : LREAL;
     lrP2y          : LREAL;
     lrP2z          : LREAL;
     lrP3x          : LREAL;
     lrP3y          : LREAL;
     lrP3z          : LREAL;
     lrP4x          : LREAL;
     lrP4y          : LREAL;
     lrP4z          : LREAL;
     lrMx           : LREAL;
     lrMy           : LREAL;
     lrMz           : LREAL;
     lrRadius       : LREAL;
     usiBeginMonth  : USINT;
     usiEndMonth    : USINT;
     eType          : E_BARShadingObjectType;
     bValid         : BOOL;

lrP1x .. lrP4z: corner coordinates. Of importance only if the element is a square.

lrMx .. lrMz: centre coordinates. Of importance only if the element is a ball.

lrRadius: radius of the ball. Of importance only if the element is a ball.

usiBeginMonth: beginning of the shading period (number of month).

usiEndMonth: end of the shading period (number of month).

eType: object type, see E_BARShadingObjectType.

bValid: plausibility of the data: bValid=TRUE: Data are plausible.

Remark about the shading period:

The monthly entries may not be 0 or greater than 12, otherwise all combinations are possible.
Start=1, End=1: shading in January.
Start=1, End=5: shading from the beginning of January to the end of May.
Start=11, End=5: shading from the beginning of November to the end of May (the following year).