Continuous image acquisition

The settings for image acquisition and triggering are interlocked by default. The following explanatory section assumes that the AcquisitionMode is set to Continuous.

The other cases are described under:

Continuous image acquisition 1:

Checking the features of the camera

Please refer to the manual for the camera to see whether the camera supports corresponding features. The same applies to the feature names that are actually used. The procedure using the feature names according to the GenICam Standard Features Naming Convention (Version 2.4) is described below.

Continuous image acquisition

The following configuration is required if the camera is to stream, i.e. take images at even intervals without further triggers:

The AcquisitionStart command then starts the streaming and the AcquisitionStop command ends the streaming. Recording of the current image is completed, and the image is transferred.

Continuous image acquisition 2:

Single image trigger for continuous image acquisition

If the camera is to capture just one image after a trigger signal, the following configuration is required:

As in the other cases, the camera is ready to take images after the AcquisitionStart command. Each image is recorded after a trigger signal from the selected source. Details of the trigger signal are specified in TriggerActivation.

Continuous image acquisition 3:

Continuous image acquisition after trigger start signal

If you require the camera to continuously stream images after a trigger signal at even intervals, the following configuration is required:

After the AcquisitionStart command, the camera is ready to capture and transfer images. However, the recording only begins after a trigger signal, in the sample after a hardware trigger signal on Line 1. Streaming is ended by the AcquisitionStop command; however, the recording of the current image is still completed and transferred.

Continuous image acquisition 4:

Multi-image trigger for continuous image acquisition

If the camera is to record a certain number of images after a trigger signal, the following configuration is required. The number is set to 2 as an example:

As in the other cases, the camera is ready to take images after the AcquisitionStart command. The defined number of images is recorded after a trigger signal of the selected source. Details of the trigger signal are specified in TriggerActivation. If the AcquisitionStop command is issued during image acquisition/transfer, the image that has already been started is completed, but any missing images are no longer created.

Continuous image acquisition 5: