
The Vision node has a logger which, depending on the Log Level, logs all important events of the TwinCAT Vision components underneath the VISION node. The settings can be found under VISION > Logging.

Logging 1:

The following settings are available:

Log Level




Only error messages are logged.


Error messages and warnings are logged.


Error messages, warnings and important events are logged. [default]


Error messages, warnings and all important events are logged.

Log file

By default, the log file with the name TwinCAT.XAE.Vision.log is saved in the directory C:\ProgramData\Beckhoff\Vision. This can be changed in the Logging tab. The same applies to the maximum size of a log file and the maximum number of files. If the limits are reached, old data is overwritten.

In case of support enquiries relating to behavior within the Vision node, please include the log file and the time at which the behavior occurred.

Other loggers

The Vision Service also has a logger on the target system. In addition, there is a log file for the TwinCAT Vision installation. All relevant logging paths are listed in the section Important paths.