Saving images from the PLC

In this sample, images from the PLC are saved to a local drive. The function block FB_VN_WriteImage is used for this purpose.

Saving images from the PLC 1:

The save process takes place asynchronously over several cycles.

Saving images from the PLC 2:

Duration of the save process

The duration of the save process depends on various factors and can therefore not be stated in general terms.


hr                   :   HRESULT;

fbCamera             :   FB_VN_SimpleCameraControl;

ipImageIn            :   ITcVnImage;
ipImageInDisp        :   ITcVnDisplayableImage;

// Sample Specific Variables
fbWriteImage         :   FB_VN_WriteImage := (nTimeout := T#500MS);
sFilePath            :   STRING(255) := '';
bWriteImageTrigger   :   BOOL;
bWriteImageWaitResult:   BOOL;
bWriteImageDone      :   BOOL;
nReturnCode          :   UDINT;

In this sample an image can be saved by setting the trigger variable bWriteImageTrigger to TRUE.


The ipImage transferred is already completely accepted on the first call of fbWriteImage with a rising edge at bWrite and can therefore be released immediately afterwards, e.g. with F_VN_TransformIntoDisplayableImage. Thereafter, the fbWriteImage must continue to be cyclically called until the bBusy output is FALSE again. This can be the case with an error or even with the first call, e.g. if no file extension or an incorrect one is specified. An evaluation of whether writing was successful or whether an error occurred takes place in the IF block below. If successful, bWriteImageDone is set and remains unchanged until the next time bWriteImageTrigger is set.

IF SUCCEEDED(hr) AND ipImageIn <> 0 THEN

    IF NOT fbWriteImage.bBusy AND bWriteImageTrigger THEN
        bWriteImageTrigger := FALSE;
        bWriteImageDone := FALSE;
        bWriteImageWaitResult := TRUE;

        // With setting sFilePath:= '' to an empty string the images are saved under the default path
        // The default path can be set at the service configuration tab of the Vision Node
        // If sFilePath is set, it must contain the full path, image name and type
        // for example: sFilePath := 'C:\WriteImage\ImageName.bmp'
        fbWriteImage(ipImage := ipImageIn, sFilePath := sFilePath, bWrite := TRUE);

    hr := F_VN_TransformIntoDisplayableImage(ipImageIn, ipImageInDisp, hr);

fbWriteImage(sFilepath:= '', bWrite := FALSE);

IF bWriteImageWaitResult AND NOT fbWriteImage.bBusy THEN
    bWriteImageWaitResult := FALSE;
    // Check if fbWriteImage was finished successfully or implement error handling
    IF fbWriteImage.bError THEN
        nReturnCode := fbWriteImage.nErrorId AND 16#FFF;
        bWriteImageDone := TRUE;
        nReturnCode := 0;