Installation instructions from TwinCAT 3.1 Build 4026

TwinCAT Package Manager

If you are using TwinCAT 3.1 Build 4026 (and higher) on the Microsoft Windows operating system, you can install TwinCAT Vision via the TwinCAT Package Manager, see Installing TwinCAT 3.1 Build 4026.

Normally you install TwinCAT Vision via the corresponding Workload; however, you can also install the packages contained in the Workload individually. This documentation briefly describes the installation process via the workload.

Command line program TcPkg

You can use the TcPkg Command Line Interface (CLI) to display the available workloads on the system:

tcpkg list -t workload

To display only the TwinCAT Vision Workloads, you can use this command:

tcpkg list TF7

You can install the Workloads of the TF7000-TF7810 Vision Functions using the following commands.

tcpkg install TF7xxx.Vision.XAE
tcpkg install TF7xxx.Vision.XAR

TwinCAT Package Manager UI

You can use the User Interface (UI) to display all available workloads and install them if required.
To do this, follow the corresponding instructions in the interface.