HSV/ HLS (FULL) color format
If a color is to be displayed in HSV format with the Color Control, some adjustments are necessary. The value range of the "Hue" channel is only defined from 0 to 180, therefore the maxValue
of the first channel must be reduced to 180. The other two channels are scaled from 0 to 255. Since the individual channels of the HSV format cannot be assigned to specific colors, the colors for displaying the sliders and numerical values, for example, should be set to a uniform grayscale value so that no confusion arises.
The same settings and value ranges can be used for the HLS color space, since only the calculation of the L and S channels differs.
When using the "HSV FULL" and "HLS FULL" color formats, all color channels are defined from 0 to 255.

The values of the ColorChannels
attribute can be written by script as follows:
"color": {
"color": "rgba(90, 90, 90, 1)"
"float": false,
"maxValue": 180.0
"color": {
"color": "rgba(90, 90, 90, 1)"
"float": false,
"maxValue": 255.0
"color": {
"color": "rgba(90, 90, 90, 1)"
"float": false,
"maxValue": 255.0
Finally, the conversion for the color box in the BoxColorConversion
attribute must be adjusted. To do this, the corresponding color format must be selected in the BoxColorConverter