Standard RGB(a) colour format

By default, three channels are defined, all of which are configured as integers with a maximum value of 255 and whose display colors correspond to the RGB colour format.

Standard RGB(a) colour format 1:

The values of the ColorChannels attribute can be written by script as follows:

    "color": {
      "color": "rgba(255, 0, 0, 1)"
    "float": false,
    "maxValue": 255.0
    "color": {
      "color": "rgba(0, 255, 0, 1)"
    "float": false,
    "maxValue": 255.0
    "color": {
      "color": "rgba(0, 0, 255, 1)"
    "float": false,
    "maxValue": 255.0

The BoxColorConversion attribute is set to the supplied BoxColorConverter function and this is configured with the format “RGB” and the pixel type “8-bit (USINT)”.

Standard RGB(a) colour format 2:

RGBa color format

To be able to display transparent colors, an additional color channel must be added in the attribute ColorChannels. It is advisable to configure this with the display color "rgba(128, 128, 128, 1)". As the BoxColorConverter already has a conversion to RGBa, this must then be selected as the color format.

Standard RGB(a) colour format 3: