Image view

The attributes and functions explained on this page can be found in the View category.

Internally, the size and position of the displayed image is precisely defined by the properties Offset, Scale and ScaleReference. However, the typical use case for changing size and position is using interactive features such as touch and mouse gestures. Thereby the above mentioned properties are automatically changed internally by those gestures.

Property: Offset

The Offset property specifies the image position relative to the control itself. The upper left corner is defined as the origin, with the X-axis to the right and the Y-axis down. The offset of the image is also measured from the upper left corner of the image. The offset coordinates are specified in pixels.

As mentioned earlier, the Offset property is changed by the control itself, for example, when the user interacts with the image using touch or mouse gestures.

By default, the offset property is associated with a TwoWay binding.

Properties: Scale and ScaleReference

The property Scale specifies a scaling factor in percent to calculate the pixel size in which the image is displayed on the screen. The size is always calculated in relation to the original image size or in relation to the size of the control, depending on the value of the attribute ScaleReference.

The ScaleReference can be one of the following values:


The size of the displayed image is equal to the original image size multiplied by the value of the property Scale.

Example: the original size of the image is 300x200, the property Scale is 150%. The resulting size of the displayed image is 450x300.


The size of the displayed image is equal to the width of the control (or more precisely, the image frame within the control) multiplied by the value of the Scale property.


The size of the displayed image is equal to the height of the control (or more precisely, the image frame within the control) multiplied by the value of the Scale property.


The size of the displayed image is equal to the size of the control (or more precisely, the image frame within the control) multiplied by the value of the Scale property. If the aspect ratio of the control does not match the aspect ratio of the image, either the height or the width is used as the reference size, depending on which dimension differs more.

The advantage of the ImageSize setting is the direct relationship between the displayed size and the original size of the image. Two images with different sizes in the PLC always have different sizes in the HMI. The advantage of the ControlSize setting is the automatic adjustment of the image to the control. The images are always the same size, regardless of how large they actually are within the PLC.

Image view 1:

Aspect ratio

The height and width of the image are always calculated to maintain the aspect ratio of the original image.

Example: Offset, Scale and ScaleReference

Image view 2:

Function: FitImageToControl

To maximize and center the currently displayed image within the Image Viewer, the FitImageToControl function can be called. If this is to be done from the beginning, the function should be linked to the .onAttached event. Once this function has been activated, all subsequent images will also be centered and maximized until the view is changed elsewhere, thereby canceling the mode.

Image view 3:

Property: ScalingCenter

The ScalingCenter offers a possibility to adjust the scaling behavior. An individual change of the Scale properties always results in a change of the lower right corner of the image, while the upper left corner remains fixed. To change this and fix other points, the property ScalingCenter can be used. In this case, the property Offset is automatically adjusted. The following options are available:

ScaleCenter value



Upper left corner of the image stays centered when zooming.


Center of the image remains centered when zooming.


Center of the control remains centered when zooming.


The user can change the size and position of the image by the following gestures/interactions:

To prevent these user interactions, the two properties Draggable and Scalable can be set to false to prevent a user-induced change of position or size. Changing the value (e.g. by writing to the symbol) is always possible and is not affected by the two properties.

Properties: ScaleMin and ScaleMax

The control positioning and scaling system applies limiting rules to prevent the user from creating confusing or disorienting views of the image.

The properties ScaleMin and ScaleMax represent limits on the setting of the Scale property for user interactions.

In addition, the control automatically restricts the image to its borders with a certain outer padding (currently 10px). Positions outside this limit are not useful as you cannot see the image.

Property: View (read-only)

The properties Offset and Scale are good for internal handling of the image view, but are not necessarily intuitive for the user (e.g. to define an image area). People often tend to think in terms of regions of interest or similar representations. Therefore, after changing the size or position of the image, the currently visible area of the image is calculated and provided via the read-only property View.

The internal calculation always sets the coordinate origin to the upper left corner of the image and calculates from there the upper left position as well as the width and height of the image frame.

The View property is provided as an array in the form [X, Y, Breite, Höhe].

To set the position and size using a view description, see the next section on the method SetView.

Method: SetView

The SetView method allows the user to display a specific area of the image. When this method is called, the image area specified by a parameter is maximized and centered within the image frame.

The area must be specified in the original image coordinates as [x, y, Breite, Höhe].

Image view 4:

Differing views

Depending on the aspect ratios of the specified area and the image frame, the requested view may differ from the actual view. This in turn can be retrieved via the read-only property View.

Image view 5:

Separate action

The view functionality is not accessible via a property, but via a read-only property and a setter method. The reason for this is the difference between an ordered view and the actual view mentioned above, and also that a View property would conflict with the properties Offset and Scale as to which view should be achieved. This is prevented by the view setter being a one-time action instead of a bound property.

Stop image flow

If the property ImageFreeze is true, the currently displayed image does not change even if new images are received. The intended use case is to freeze the current image for further review without adding additional logic within the PLC.

If the property ImageFreeze is changed from true to false, the control immediately displays the last image again and ignores the intermediate images.

The property ImageFreeze can be controlled by the Freeze button in the toolbar (see FreezeButtonVisible property in the category Toolbar).