Connect to a TwinCAT I/O Task via ADS

In order to configure the TC3 IoT Data Agent to access a TwinCAT I/O Task (with process image) via ADS, the symbols can be configured manually in the TC3 IoT Data Agent configurator, if the I/O Task has not been configured to create symbol information, or via the target browser.

TwinCAT I/O Task

A TwinCAT I/O Task can be configured with a process image in order to link variables from that image directly to I/Os. The TC3 IoT Data Agent can then access the I/O task via its ADS port.

Connect to a TwinCAT I/O Task via ADS 1:
Connect to a TwinCAT I/O Task via ADS 2:

Manual symbol configuration

The process image variables can be accessed via their IndexGroup/IndexOffset combination. This information must be entered into the TC3 IoT Data Agent.

Connect to a TwinCAT I/O Task via ADS 3:

Configuration via target browser

Symbol information can be generated for a TwinCAT I/O Task by activating the corresponding option in the I/O task configuration.

Connect to a TwinCAT I/O Task via ADS 4:

After activating this configuration, the symbol information can be accessed via the Target Browser and the symbols can be added to the TC3 IoT Data Agent configuration.

Connect to a TwinCAT I/O Task via ADS 5: