
Sample of the automatic conversion of structures into a JSON message

This sample illustrates how a data structure can be converted into a JSON message (and vice versa). In the conversion the layout of a structure is converted one-to-one into a corresponding JSON equivalent. Additional metadata can be created via PLC attributes on the member variables of the structure.

Layout of the data structure to be converted

TYPE ST_Values :

  {attribute 'Unit' := 'm/s'}
  {attribute 'DisplayName' := 'Speed'}
  Sensor1 : REAL;

  {attribute 'Unit' := 'V'}
  {attribute 'DisplayName' := 'Voltage'}
  Sensor2 : DINT;

  {attribute 'Unit' := 'A'}
  {attribute 'DisplayName' := 'Current'}
  Sensor3 : DINT;


Declaration range

  dtTimestamp    : DATE_AND_TIME := DT#2017-04-04-12:42:42;
  fbJson         : FB_JsonSaxWriter;
  fbJsonDataType : FB_JsonReadWriteDataType;
  sJsonDoc       : STRING(255); 
  sJsonDoc2      : STRING(2000); 
  stValues       : ST_Values;

Implementation range

Two ways of generating the JSON message are shown, starting with the instance fbJson of the function block FB_JsonSaxWriter. The GetDocument() method can be used with a JSON message with no more than 255 characters. However, the CopyDocument() method must be used with larger JSON messages.

fbjson.AddKeyDateTime('Timestamp', dtTimestamp);
fbJsonDataType.AddJsonKeyValueFromSymbol(fbJson, 'Values', 'ST_Values', SIZEOF(stValues), ADR(stValues));
fbJsonDataType.AddJsonKeyPropertiesFromSymbol(fbJson, 'MetaData', 'ST_Values', 'Unit|DisplayName');
sJsonDoc := fbJson.GetDocument();
fbJson.CopyDocument(sJsonDoc2, SIZEOF(sJsonDoc2));

Resulting JSON message

  "Timestamp": "2017-04-04T12:42:42",
  "Values": {
    "Sensor1": 0.0,
    "Sensor2": 0,
    "Sensor3": 0
  "MetaData": {
    "Sensor1": {
      "Unit": "m/s",
      "DisplayName": "Speed"
    "Sensor2": {
      "Unit": "V",
      "DisplayName": "Voltage"
    "Sensor3": {
      "Unit": "A",
      "DisplayName": "Current"


As an alternative, the method AddJsonValueFromSymbol() can also be used to generate a JSON format directly from a data structure.

fbJsonDataType.AddJsonValueFromSymbol(fbJson, 'ST_Values', SIZEOF(stValues), ADR(stValues));
sJsonDoc := fbJson.GetDocument();
fbJson.CopyDocument(sJsonDoc2, SIZEOF(sJsonDoc2));

The resulting JSON object looks like this:

  "Sensor1": 0.0,
  "Sensor2": 0,
  "Sensor3": 0

Conversion of a JSON message back to a data structure

The above samples show how a JSON object can be generated from a data structure in a simple manner. There is also a corresponding method in the Tc3_JsonXml library for the reverse process, i.e. the extraction of values from a (received) JSON object back into a data structure. This application is made possible by calling the method SetSymbolFromJson().

fbJsonDataType.SetSymbolFromJson(someJson, 'ST_Values', SIZEOF(stValuesReceive), ADR(stValuesReceive));

The string variable sJsonDoc2 contains the JSON object, which is transferred into the structure instance stValuesReceive by calling the method.

Tc3JsonXmlSampleJsonDataType 1:

Target data structure

The target data structure must match the structure of the JSON document. Otherwise SetSymbolFromJson() returns FALSE.