
The function blocks of the PLC library Tc3_IotBase can be used for publisher/subscriber based data exchange between the TwinCAT PLC and a message broker via the MQTT communication protocol. Symbols can be sent (publish mode) and received (subscribe mode). The data format to be used is freely definable and can be created via additional PLC libraries, e.g. the Tc3_JsonXml library.

Overview 1:

In addition to the PLC library, a TwinCAT I/O device is available, via which a device-to-device communication connection can be configured via a message broker. The main application case for this I/O device is where two TwinCAT-based systems are to exchange data with each other via a message broker. Alternatively, an EK9160 can also be connected to a TwinCAT system via MQTT.

Overview 2:

Product components

TF6701 IoT Communication consists of the following components, which are installed with TwinCAT 3 as standard: