By means of the following specifications, a message can be specified which, in case of an irregular disconnection between client and broker, is sent as the last message from the broker to the subscribers who have subscribed to the corresponding topic. This structure is an extension of the previous structure ST_IotMqttWill for MQTT V5.
No instantiation and assignment of this structure This structure does not allow instantiation and assignment to FB_IotMqtt5Client or FB_IotMqtt5ClientBase. Instead, the input parameter of the MQTT v5 client function block is used directly. |
TYPE ST_IotMqtt5Will :
{attribute 'TcEncoding':='UTF-8'}
sTopic : STRING(255);
fbPayload : FB_IotDataBuffer;
eQoS : TcIotMqttQos := TcIotMqttQos.ExactlyOnceDelivery;
bRetain : BOOL;
{attribute 'TcEncoding':='UTF-8'}
sContentType : STRING(255);
{attribute 'TcEncoding':='UTF-8'}
sResponseTopic : STRING(255);
nMsgExpiryInterval : UDINT;
nDelay : UDINT;
bPayloadUtf8 : BOOL;
fbCorrelationData : FB_IotDataBuffer;
fbUserProperties : FB_IotMqtt5UserProperties;
Name | Type | Description |
sTopic | STRING(255) | Message topic. |
fbPayload | FB_IotDataBuffer | Data buffer for the payload of the message. |
eQoS | TcIotMqttQos | The "Quality of Service" offers the following setting options: QoS level 0, QoS level 1, QoS level 2 (See Neuer Knoten). |
bRetain | BOOL | If bRetain is TRUE, the broker stores the message in order to make it available to subsequent subscribers. |
sContentType | STRING(255) | Describes the encoding of the payload. MIME types such as "text/plain" are particularly suitable for high compatibility. |
sResponseTopic | STRING(255) | At this point, the response topic can be specified on which a response from another client is expected. |
nMsgExpiryInterval | UDINT | Time in seconds after which a Last Will message expires and is no longer delivered by the broker if the connection is lost. |
nDelay | UDINT | Delay interval in seconds until the LastWill message is sent. |
bPayloadUtf8 | BOOL | Format indicator for the message content. |
fbCorrelationData | FB_IotDataBuffer | Data buffer for CorrelationData |
fbUserProperties | UserProperties can be specified at this point. |