Data type conversion

Due to the scaling performed by the Prepared BDC Signals module, it is necessary to adapt the data types of the signals so that accuracy is not lost when scaling. In principle, all signals in the Prepared BDC Signals module are of the data type DOUBLE (64-bit (double precision)).

In the case of signals having an integer factor and an integer limit value (Minimum/Maximum), the conversion to DOUBLE is dispensed with and an integer data type is used instead.

The data type conversion performed by the import can be displayed for each signal on the import page and changed if desired.

For the "Prepared DBC Signals" always exactly the data type is created that you select at TwinCAT Datatype.

First confirm your selection with the button Write new Datatype, and then with Apply, so that the change is applied.

Data type conversion 1:

The signal properties TwinCAT Datatype and TwinCAT Bit Size can be adapted prior to the import. If a different data type is set, a new BitSize is ignored.

Data type conversion 2: