
The following examples have been developed using different RFID reader models.

Since there are basically hardly any differences in the handling of the RFID reader with the TwinCAT RFID library, an example developed with another model can also be used for familiarization.


The Tutorial describes how an RFID reader is put into operation. It is a step-by-step procedure, from the integration of the TwinCAT library through to the detection of the presence of RFID transponders. (See Tutorial)

Example 1

This example can be used for different RFID readers (Balluff, Baltech, Deister, Leuze, Pepper+Fuchs).

The example has been tested with the Balluff BIS M 401 and Leuze electronic RFM32 models. In the project, an RFID reader was connected to a single-channel serial EL6001 (on an EK1100). Other serial terminals can also be used.

The project can similarly be used for two RFID readers. The sample program is already prepared for two RFID readers. Only the second linking in the TwinCAT System Manager needs to be carried out. (See Sample 1)

Example 2

This example was developed with a Baltech RFID reader, which is optionally installed in the Beckhoff Control Panels and Panel PCs. The device is connected to a serial Com port or a USB port.

It can be used for convenient commissioning and testing of the device. The example features a simple visualization. (See Sample 2)

Example 3

This example corresponds to a small application. The application includes detection, reading and writing of a transponder in an automatic sequence.

The example was created with a Pepperl+Fuchs RFID reader. Both the 2-channel and the 4-channel model can be used. (See Sample 3)