Testing the communication
A simple simulation of the commands in the control direction is activated by setting the bExecuteCmd variable to TRUE and deactivated by setting it to FALSE. With an active connection, a single command (C_SC_NA_1, IOA = 10 ) is cyclically transmitted to the substation every 10 seconds in the sample used.
bExecuteCmd : BOOL;
timer : TON;
(* Simple command simulation *)
timer( IN := bExecuteCmd, PT := T#10s ); (* Send cyclic command *)
IF timer.Q THEN
timer( IN := FALSE );
cmdSingle_0 := NOT cmdSingle_0; (* toggle single command ON<->OFF *)
(* cmdDouble_0 := SEL( cmdDouble_0 = 1, 1, 2 );
cmdBitStr_0 := cmdBitStr_0 + 1;
cmdNormalized_0 := cmdNormalized_0 + 2;
cmdScaled_0 := cmdScaled_0 + 4;
cmdFloating_0 := cmdFloating_0 + 1.2; *)