Transfer of integrated totals (counter interrogation)
General model for the transmission of integrated totals:
The actual values are added by counters. Via a freeze command that is either received by the central station or generated locally (in the substation), the actual values can be frozen (copied) periodically into frozen values. After freezing, the recorded value is either reset to null (logging of incremental values), or the counter continues adding up (logging of counter values).
Application objects with counts are assigned to groups. The groups are frozen individually, reset, or transferred. The central station sends counter interrogation commands to the substation. The task to be carried out (FRZ) and the group (RQT) are specified in an ID field of the command (QCC).
The allocation of the application objects to the individual groups (1 to 4 or general) is specified via the group flag parameter during configuration. There are four operation modes for recording counter readings and incremental values. Each mode includes notes about the configuration of the system parameters or the application objects.
Mode A: local freeze with spontaneous transfer
The substation internally initiates freeze or freeze with reset. The frozen counts are transferred spontaneously, once the freeze or freeze with reset function was executed. In this mode the central station does not issue any count query commands.
Configuration of the system parameters:
Configuration of the application objects:
Mode B: Local freeze with counter interrogation
The substation internally initiates freeze or freeze with reset. The central station queries the frozen counts via count query commands. In this case the central station must not use freeze or freeze with reset in the command ID field (FRZ=0). The counts are queried generally or in groups 1 to 4.
Configuration of the system parameters:
Configuration of the application objects:
Mode C: The central station initiates freeze, freeze with reset, or reset
The central station periodically issues a count query command to the substation for controlling the freeze or (and) reset process. This command does not result in a count transfer. The central station sends a subsequent count query command for collecting the frozen counts. This is similar to operating mode B.
Configuration of the system parameters:
Configuration of the application objects:
Operating mode D: The central station initiates freeze and (or) reset, and the frozen values are transferred spontaneously
This mode is a combination of the count command from the central station as in mode C and spontaneous transfer of the counts as in mode A.
Configuration of the system parameters:
Configuration of the application objects: