


substation, slave, server

Synonyms for a subordinate station (which is monitored)

Central station, control station, master, client

Synonyms for a higher-level station (control station, monitors others stations)

control direction

Data transfer direction from the central station to the substation

monitoring direction

Data transfer direction from the substation to the central station

application objects

IEC information objects in the TwinCAT PLC application (single points, double points, measured values, short floating point values etc.)


Protocol data unit of the application layer (application protocol data unit)


Protocol control information of the application layer (application protocol control information)


Service data unit of the application layer (application service data unit)

IOA, address of the information object

Address of the single point, double point, etc. (information object address)

primary station

The primary station sends commands (requests) to the secondary station and thus controls the data transfer of the secondary station.

secondary station

The secondary station responds to requests from the primary station.

Combined station

Combined stations can assume the role of primary station and secondary station (symmetric transfer, balanced mode).

Symmetric transfer (balanced mode)

Both stations can act as primary or secondary stations and initialize the data transfer.

Asymmetric transfer (unbalanced mode)

Data transfer is always initiated and controlled by the primary station.
The central station always acts as the primary station and the substation as the secondary station.