Station query / general query

The station interrogation command is initiated by the central station. The ID field of the command also contains the group (1 to 16 or general). The substation transfers the application objects associated with this group to the central station with cause of transmission <20> to <36>. Application objects with time tags are transferred without time tags.

Configuration of the system parameters

No special system parameters need to be set;

Configuration of the application objects

The data point must be assigned to one or more groups. The group parameter must be set. An overview of all available groups can be found here: Group configuration flags.

Example configuration for a data point that was assigned to Group: 1 and Group: General.

F_iecInitAOEntry( M_SP_NA_1, 100, IEC870_GRP_INROGEN OR IEC870_GRP_INRO1, 0, MAP_AREA_MEMORY, 100, 0, AODB[0] );

The associated PLC example tutorial can be downloaded here.