Spontaneous data communication and general query
The sample program presented here shows an IEC 60870-5-104 slave with High Level interface and a simple communication of two data points. One data point is transferred spontaneously in control direction, the other in monitor direction. In addition, a general interrogation is configured for the data point in monitor direction.
Download TwinCAT XAE Project (*.zip): IEC870_104_HighLevel_Slave_easy.zip
In the sample, the following parameters are set for the substation (slave):
- Server Host address (IP address of the slave/your own IP): (At least this parameter must be adjusted individually)
- Server port address (port address of the slave/own port): 2404
- k: 12
- w: 8
- t0: 30 s
- t1: 15 s
- t2: 10 s
- t3: 20 s
- General ASDU address: 3
- Cause of transfer size: 2 octets
- Common ASDU address size: 2 octets
- Information object address size: 3 octets
- Max. APDU length: 253