OleDB error codes
Value | Description |
0x80040E00 | The accessor is invalid. |
0x80040E01 | It was not possible to insert a row into the row set, because the maximum number of active rows for the provider would have been exceeded. |
0x80040E02 | The accessor is write-protected. The procedure has failed. |
0x80040E03 | Values violate the database schema. |
0x80040E04 | The row handle is invalid. |
0x80040E05 | The object was open. |
0x80040E06 | Invalid chapter |
0x80040E07 | A literal value in the command could not be converted to the correct type for a reason other than data overflow. |
0x80040E08 | Invalid binding information |
0x80040E09 | Permission denied |
0x80040E0A | The specified column contains no bookmarks or chapters. |
0x80040E0B | Some cost limitations were rejected. |
0x80040E0C | No command was specified for the command object. |
0x80040E0D | No query plan was found within the specified cost limitation. |
0x80040E0E | Invalid bookmark |
0x80040E0F | Invalid lock mode |
0x80040E10 | No value was specified for at least one of the required parameters. |
0x80040E11 | Invalid column ID |
0x80040E12 | Invalid quota |
0x80040E13 | Invalid value |
0x80040E14 | The command contained at least one error. |
0x80040E15 | The currently executed command cannot be aborted. |
0x80040E16 | The provider offers no support for the specified dialect. |
0x80040E17 | A data source with the specified name already exists. |
0x80040E18 | The row set was created via a live datastream and cannot be restarted. |
0x80040E19 | In the current range no key matches the described characteristics. |
0x80040E1B | The provider is unable to determine the identity for the newly added rows. |
0x80040E1A | The ownership of this structure was transferred to the provider. |
0x80040E1C | Non-zero weighting values are not supported as target information. The target was therefore rejected. The current target was not changed. |
0x80040E1D | The requested conversion is not supported. |
0x80040E1E | RowsOffset leads to position after the end of the row set, irrespective of the specified cRows value. cRowsObtained is 0. |
0x80040E20 | The provider has called an IRowsetNotify method in the consumer and has not yet received a return from the method. |
0x80040E21 | Error |
0x80040E22 | A non-zero controlling IUnknown object was specified, and the currently created object does not support aggregation. |
0x80040E23 | The current row was deleted. |
0x80040E24 | The row set does not support backward calls. |
0x80040E25 | All HROW objects have to be released before new HROW objects can be received. |
0x80040E26 | A specified memory flag was not supported. |
0x80040E27 | The comparison operator was invalid. |
0x80040E28 | The specified status flag was neither DBCOLUMNSTATUS_OK nor DBCOLUMNSTATUS_ISNULL. |
0x80040E29 | The row set cannot be processed backwards. |
0x80040E2A | Invalid range handle. |
0x80040E2B | The specified row set was not adjacent to the rows of the specified monitoring range, and there was no overlap. |
0x80040E2C | A transition from ALL* to MOVE* or EXTEND* was specified. |
0x80040E2D | The specified range is not a valid subrange of the range identified by the specified monitoring range handle. |
0x80040E2E | The provider does not support commands with several statements. |
0x80040E2F | A specified value violated the integrity restrictions for a column or table. |
0x80040E30 | The specified type name was not recognized. |
0x80040E31 | Execution was aborted, since no further resources were available. No results were returned. |
0x80040E32 | A command object with a command hierarchy containing at least one row set could not be cloned. |
0x80040E33 | The current structure cannot be shown as text. |
0x80040E34 | The specified index already exists. |
0x80040E35 | The specified index does not exist. |
0x80040E36 | The specified index was used. |
0x80040E37 | The specified table does not exist. |
0x80040E38 | The row set has uses fully parallelism, and the value of a column was changed since the last read operation. |
0x80040E39 | Errors were found during copying. |
0x80040E3A | A precision statement was invalid. |
0x80040E3B | A specified decimal value was invalid. |
0x80040E3C | Invalid table ID. |
0x80040E3D | A specified type was invalid. |
0x80040E3E | A column ID occurred several times in the specification. |
0x80040E3F | The specified table already exists. |
0x80040E40 | The specified table was used. |
0x80040E41 | The specified range schema ID was not supported. |
0x80040E42 | The specified record number is invalid. |
0x80040E43 | No matching row could be found, despite the fact that the bookmark formatting was valid. |
0x80040E44 | The value of a property was invalid. |
0x80040E45 | The row set was not subdivided into chapters. |
0x80040E46 | Invalid accessor |
0x80040E47 | Invalid memory flags |
0x80040E48 | Accessors for transfer as reference are not supported by this provider. |
0x80040E49 | NULL accessors are not supported by this provider. |
0x80040E4A | The command was not prepared. |
0x80040E4B | The specified accessor was not a parameter accessor. |
0x80040E4C | The specified accessor was write-protected. |
0x80040E4D | Error during authentication. |
0x80040E4E | The change was aborted during the notification; no columns were modified. |
0x80040E4F | The row set consisted of a chapter, but the chapter was not enabled. |
0x80040E50 | Invalid source handle |
0x80040E51 | The provider is unable to derive parameter information, and SetParameterInfo was not called. |
0x80040E52 | The data source object is already initialized. |
0x80040E53 | The provider does not support this method. |
0x80040E54 | The number of rows with pending modifications exceeds the specified limit. |
0x80040E55 | The specified column did not exist. |
0x80040E56 | Changes are pending in a row with a reference counter of zero. |
0x80040E57 | A literal value in the command let to a range violation for the type of the assigned column. |
0x80040E58 | The transferred HRESULT value was invalid. |
0x80040E59 | The transferred LookupID value was invalid. |
0x80040E5A | The transferred DynamicErrorID value was invalid. |
0x80040E5B | No visible data for a newly added row that has not yet been updated can be retrieved. |
0x80040E5C | Invalid conversion flag |
0x80040E5D | The specified parameter name was not recognized. |
0x80040E5E | Several memory objects cannot be open simultaneously. |
0x80040E5F | The requested filter could not be opened. |
0x80040E60 | The requested sequence could not be opened. |
0x80040E65 | The transferred columnID value was invalid. |
0x80040E67 | The transferred command has no DBID value. |
0x80040E68 | The transferred DBID value already exists. |
0x80040E69 | The maximum number of session objects supported by this provider has already been reached. The consumer must release at least one current session object, before a new session object can be retrieved. |
0x80040E72 | The index ID is invalid. |
0x80040E73 | The specified initialization character sequence does not match the specification. |
0x80040E74 | The OLE DB master enumerator has not returned any providers that match the requested SOURCES_TYPE value. |
0x80040E75 | The initialization character sequence indicates a provider that does not match the currently active provider. |
0x80040E76 | The specified DBID value is invalid. |
0x80040E6A | Invalid value for trust recipient. |
0x80040E6B | The trust recipient is not intended for the current data source. |
0x80040E6C | The trust recipient offers no support for memberships/list. |
0x80040E6D | The object is invalid, or the provider is unknown. |
0x80040E6E | The object has no owner. |
0x80040E6F | The transferred access entry list is invalid. |
0x80040E70 | The trust recipient transferred as owner is invalid, or the provider is unknown. |
0x80040E71 | The permission transferred in the access entry list is invalid. |
0x80040E77 | The ConstraintType value was invalid or was not supported by the provider. |
0x80040E78 | The ConstraintType value was not DBCONSTRAINTTYPE_FOREIGNKEY, and cForeignKeyColumns was not zero. |
0x80040E79 | The Deferability value was invalid or was not supported by the provider. |
0x80040E80 | The MatchType value was invalid or was not supported by the provider. |
0x80040E8A | The UpdateRule or DeleteRule value was invalid or was not supported by the provider. |
0x80040E8B | Invalid restriction ID. |
0x80040E8C | The dwFlags value was invalid. |
0x80040E8D | The rguidColumnType value pointed to a GUID that does not match the object type of this column, or this column was not specified. |
0x80040E91 | No source row exists. |
0x80040E92 | The OLE DB object represented by this URL is locked by at least one other process. |
0x80040E93 | The client requested an object type that is only for lists. |
0x80040E94 | The calling process requested write access for a write-protected object. |
0x80040E95 | The provider was unable to establish a connection with the server for this object. |
0x80040E96 | The provider was unable to establish a connection with the server for this object. |
0x80040E97 | Timeout during binding to the object |
0x80040E98 | The provider was unable to create an object with this URL, since an object named by this URL already exists. |
0x80040E8E | The requested URL was outside the valid range. |
0x80040E90 | The column or restriction could not be deleted, since a dependent view or restriction refers to it. |
0x80040E99 | The restriction already exists. |
0x80040E9A | The object cannot be created with this URL, since the server has insufficient physical memory. |
0x00040EC0 | During retrieval of the requested number of rows the total number of active rows supported by this row set was exceeded. |
0x00040EC1 | At least one column type is not compatible; conversion errors may occur during copying. |
0x00040EC2 | Information on the parameter type were disabled by the calling process. |
0x00040EC3 | The bookmark for a deleted or irrelevant row was skipped. |
0x00040EC5 | No further row sets are available. |
0x00040EC6 | Start or end of the row set or chapter reached. |
0x00040EC7 | The command was executed again by the provider. |
0x00040EC8 | The data buffer for the variable is full. |
0x00040EC9 | No further results are available. |
0x00040ECA | The server is unable to cancel or downgrade a lockout until a transaction is complete. |
0x00040ECB | The specified weighting value was not supported or exceeded the supported limit. The value was set to 0 or to the limit. |
0x00040ECC | For this reason the consumer rejects further notification calls. |
0x00040ECD | The input dialect was ignored, and the text was returned in another dialect. |
0x00040ECE | The consumer rejects further notification calls for this phase. |
0x00040ECF | For this reason the consumer rejects further notification calls. |
0x00040ED0 | The operation is processed asynchronously. |
0x00040ED1 | To reach the start of the row set, the provider has to execute the query again. Either the order of the columns has changed, or columns were added to the row set, or columns were removed from the row set. |
0x00040ED2 | The method had several errors. The errors were returned in the error array. |
0x00040ED3 | Invalid row handle |
0x00040ED4 | A specified HROW object referred to a permanently deleted row. |
0x00040ED5 | The provider was unable to trace all modifications. The client has to retrieve the data assigned the monitoring range again via another method. |
0x00040ED6 | The execution was terminated because no more resources were available. The results received up to this time were returned, but the execution cannot continue. |
0x00040ED8 | A lockout was upgraded relative to the specified value. |
0x00040ED9 | At least one property was changed according to the options permitted by the provider. |
0x00040EDA | Error |
0x00040EDB | A specified parameter was invalid. |
0x00040EDC | Due to the update of this row several rows in the data source had to be updated. |
0x00040ED7 | The binding failed, since the provider was not able to meet all binding flags or properties. |
0x00040EDD | The row contains no row-specific columns. |