Using XML as database

The TwinCAT Database Server provides the ability to use an XML file as a database. Apart from the "Stored Procedure" functions, the XML database type supports all known function blocks for reading and writing in a database. Even SQL commands that can be issued with the function blocks FB_DBRecordInsert or FB_DBRecordSelect are interpreted by the TwinCAT Database Server and applied to the XML file.

This sample demonstrates how an XML database is created, filled with the function block FB_DBWrite and subsequently read with an SQL SELECT command and the function block FB_DBRecordSelect.


Using XML as database 1:

Database type used


Compatible database types

MS SQL, MS Compact SQL, MS Access, XML

Function blocks used

FB_DBCreate, FB_DBConnectionAdd, FB_DBTableCreate, FB_DBWrite, FB_DBRecordSelect

Libraries to be integrated

"Tc2_Database", "Tc2_System", "Tc2_Standard", "Tc2_Utilities"

Download file list


MAIN program

    nState             :BYTE := 0;

    R_TRIG1            : R_TRIG;
    bSTART             : BOOL;

    nCounter           : INT;

    FB_FileDelete1     : FB_FileDelete;
    FB_DBCreate1       : FB_DBCreate;
    FB_DBConnectionAdd1: FB_DBConnectionAdd;
    FB_DBTableCreate1  : FB_DBTableCreate;
    FB_DBWrite1        : FB_DBWrite;
    FB_DBRecordSelect1 : FB_DBRecordSelect;

    bBusy_Delete       : BOOL;
    bBusy_CreateDB     : BOOL;
    bBusy_ConnAdd      : BOOL;
    bBusy_CreateTable  : BOOL;
    bBusy_WriteDB      : BOOL;
    bBusy_SelectRecord : BOOL;

    bErr               : BOOL;
    nErrid             : UDINT;
    stSQLState         : ST_DBSQLError;
    nRecs              : UDINT;

    nDBid              : UDINT;

    arrTablestrc       : ARRAY [0..3] OF ST_DBColumnCfg :=

    rTestValue         : LREAL := 1234.56789;
    stRecord           : ST_Record;
CASE nState OF
        (*To start this sample you have to set a rising edge to the variable bSTART*)
        IF R_TRIG1.Q THEN
            nState  := 1;
            bSTART  := FALSE;
            nCounter:= 0;
        (*It isn't possible to overwrite an existing database file.
         If the database file exist the FB_FileDelete block will delete the file*)
            sNetId   := ,
            sPathName:= 'C:\TwinCAT\TcDatabaseSrv\Samples\XMLTestDB.xml',
            ePath    := PATH_GENERIC,
            bExecute := TRUE,
            tTimeout := T#5s,
            bBusy     => bBusy_Delete,
            bError    => ,
            nErrId    => );

        IF NOT bBusy_Delete THEN
            nState   := 10;
        (*It isn't possible to overwrite an existing database file.
         If the database file exist the FB_FileDelete block will delete the file*)
            sNetId   := ,
            sPathName:= 'C:\TwinCAT\TcDatabaseSrv\Samples\XMLTestDB.xsd',
            ePath    := PATH_GENERIC,
            bExecute := TRUE,
            tTimeout := T#5s,
            bBusy     => bBusy_Delete,
            bError    => ,
            nErrId    => );

        IF NOT bBusy_Delete THEN
            nState   := 2;
        (*The FB_DBCreate block will create the database file
         "C:\TwinCAT\TcDatabaseSrv\Samples\XMLTestDB.xml" and
         C:\TwinCAT\TcDatabaseSrv\Samples\XMLTestDB.xsd "*)
            sNetID   := ,
            sPathName:= 'C:\TwinCAT\TcDatabaseSrv\Samples',
            sDBName  := 'XMLTestDB',
            eDBType  := eDBType_XML,
            bExecute := TRUE,
            tTimeout := T#15s,
            bBusy     => bBusy_CreateDB,
            bError    => bErr,
            nErrID    => nErrid);

        IF NOT bBusy_CreateDB AND NOT bErr THEN
            nState   := 3;
        (*The FB_DBConnectionAdd adds the connection information to the
         XML configuration file*)
        (*ATTENTION: Each database type has his own connection information*)
            sNetID      := ,
            eDBType     := eDBType_XML,
            eDBValueType:= eDBValue_Double,
            sDBServer   := 'XMLTestDB',
            sDBProvider := ,
            sDBUrl      := 'C:\TwinCAT\TcDatabaseSrv\Samples\XMLTestDB.xml',
            sDBTable    := 'myTable',
            bExecute    := TRUE,
            tTimeout    := T#15s,
            bBusy        => bBusy_ConnAdd,
            bError       => bErr,
            nErrID       => nErrid,
            hDBID        => nDBid);

        IF NOT bBusy_ConnAdd AND NOT bErr THEN
            nState := 4;
        (*The FB_DBTableCreate create the table "myTable"*)
            sNetID      := ,
            hDBID       := nDBid,
            sTableName  := 'myTable',
            cbTableCfg  := SIZEOF(arrTablestrc),
            pTableCfg   := ADR(arrTablestrc),
            bExecute    := TRUE,
            tTimeout    := T#15s,
            bBusy        => bBusy_CreateTable,
            bError       => bErr,
            nErrID       => nErrid);

         IF NOTbBusy_CreateTable AND NOT bErr THEN
            nState      := 5;
        (*The FB_DBWrite write five times the value of the plc variable "rTestValue" to
         the database table "myTable"*)
            sNetID          := ,
            hDBID           := nDBid,
            hAdsID          := 1,
            sVarName        := 'MAIN.rTestValue',
            nIGroup         := ,
            nIOffset        := ,
            nVarSize        := ,
            sVarType        := ,
            sDBVarName      := 'rTestValue',
            eDBWriteMode    := eDBWriteMode_Append,
            tRingBufferTime := ,
            nRingBufferCount:= ,
            bExecute        := TRUE,
            tTimeout        := T#15s,
            bBusy            => bBusy_WriteDB,
            bError           => bErr,
            nErrID           => nErrid,
            sSQLState        => stSQLState);

        IF NOT bBusy_WriteDB AND NOT bErr THEN
            FB_DBWrite1(bExecute := FALSE);
            nCounter        := nCounter + 1;
            IFnCounter = 5 THEN
                nState     := 6;
        (*The FB_DBRecordSelect select one record of the database table "myTable""*)
            sNetID          := ,
            hDBID           := nDBid,
            sSelectCmd      := 'SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE Name = $'rTestValue$'',
            nRecordIndex    := 0,
            cbRecordSize    := SIZEOF(stRecord),
            pDestAddr       := ADR(stRecord),
            bExecute        := TRUE,
            tTimeout        := T#15s,
            bBusy            => bBusy_SelectRecord,
            bError           => bErr,
            nErrID           => nErrid,
            sSQLState        => stSQLState,
            nRecords         => nRecs);

        IF NOT bBusy_SelectRecord AND NOT bErr THEN
            nState          := 0;

The process is started with a positive edge at the toggle variable bSTART.

The following files are created:

XMLTestDB.xml (XML database file)

    <rowID="1"Timestamp="2012-05-10T13:48:47"Name="rTestValue"Value="1234.56789" />
    <rowID="2"Timestamp="2012-05-10T13:48:47"Name="rTestValue"Value="1234.56789" />
    <rowID="3"Timestamp="2012-05-10T13:48:47"Name="rTestValue"Value="1234.56789" />
    <rowID="4"Timestamp="2012-05-10T13:48:47"Name="rTestValue"Value="1234.56789" />
    <rowID="5"Timestamp="2012-05-10T13:48:47"Name="rTestValue"Value="1234.56789" />

XMLTestDB.xsd (XML Schema)

    <xsd:restrictionbase="xsd:long" />
    <xsd:restrictionbase="xsd:dateTime" />
      <xsd:maxLengthvalue="80" />
    <xsd:restrictionbase="xsd:double" />
          <xsd:attributename="ID"type="bigint" />
          <xsd:attributename="Timestamp"type="datetime" />
          <xsd:attributename="Name"type="ntext_80" />
          <xsd:attributename="Value" type="float" />
        <xsd:elementname="myTable"type="myTable_Type" />


Development environment

Target platform

PLC libraries to be linked

TwinCAT v3.0.0

PC or CX (x86)
