
FB_DBConnectionAdd 1:

The FB_DBConnectionAdd function block permits additional database connections to be added to the XML configuration file.


    sNetID       :T_AmsNetId;
    eDBType      :E_DBTypes;
    eDBValueType :E_DBValueType;
    sDBServer    :T_MaxString;
    sDBProvider  :T_MaxString;
    sDBUrl       :T_MaxString;
    sDBSystemDB  :T_MaxString;
    sDBUserId    :T_MaxString;
    sDBPassword  :T_MaxString;
    sDBTable     :T_MaxString;
    bExecute     :BOOL;
    tTimeout     :TIME;

sNetID: String containing the AMS network ID of the target device, at which the ADS command is directed.

eDBType: Indicates the type of the database, e.g. 'Mobile server'.

eDBValueType: Indicates the form in which the values are or will be stored.

sDBServer: Provides the name of the server: Optional.

sDBProvider: Gives the provider of the database: Optional.

sDBUrl: Gives the path to the database.

sSystemDB: Only for Access databases. Indicates the path to the MDW file.

sUserId: Indicates the login user name.

sPassword: Indicates the password.

sDBTable: Gives the name of the table into which the values are to be written.

bExecute: The command is executed with a rising edge.

tTimeout: Indicates the time before the function is cancelled.


    bBusy   : BOOL;
    bError  : BOOL;
    bErrID  : UDINT;
    hDBID   : UDINT;

bBusy: The command is in the process of being transmitted by ADS. No new command will be accepted as long as bBusy remains TRUE.

bError: Becomes TRUE, as soon as an error occurs.

nErrID: Returns the ADS error code if the bError output is set.

hDBID: Returns the ID of the database.


Development environment

Target system type

PLC libraries to be linked

TwinCAT v3.0.0

PC or CX (x86)
