
This method enables to send UDP frames. The method returns TRUE if a valid sACN frame has been sent.


Method Send: BOOL
    sSourceName              : STRING;
    sRemoteHost              : T_IPv4Addr := ‘’;
    nDMXUniverse             : UINT := 1;
    nPriority                : USINT := 100;
    bPreviewData             : BOOL := FALSE;
    bStreamTerminated        : BOOL := FALSE;
    pDMXData                 : POINTER TO BYTE;
    bForceSynchron           : BOOL := TRUE;
    nSynchronUniverse        : UINT := 0;


sSourceName : Source Name.

sRemoteHost : Target IPv4 address. Unicast and multicast addresses are possible.

nDMXUniverse : Target DMX Universe.

nPriority : Data priority if multiple sources.

bPreviewData : Option Bit: Preview_Data.

bStreamTerminated : Option Bit: Stream_Terminated.

pDMXData : Pointer to DMX data.

bForceSynchron : New Option Bit of sACN-2016: Force_Synchronization.

nSynchronUniverse : Synchronization Universe, ignored in sACN-2009.

1. After the rising edge of bStreamTerminated was triggered, the client will continue sending 3 sACN data frames that include the same DMX data, an incremented sequence number, and the terminated flag. After a timeout is expired, the opened socket will be closed and then the sending process is completely terminated unless the falling edge of bStreamTerminated is triggered. (More details see this)

2. bForceSynchron and bSynchronUniverse are new features that are defined in sACN-2016. At function block FB_sACN these two variables are set to 0 internally and any other input values will be ignored.