Easy way to find control name, component name and name of Snapshot Bank


Since the version, name of a Snapshot Bank is needed when function block FB_QRC_Snapshot is used. Name of a Snapshot bank can be found and configured at the snapshot pane or the snapshot property window.

In contest to the TwinCAT program, it is also possible to instantiate controls and components without naming in Q-SYS Designer. However, control's names and component's names are the key to remote control. Each control or component cannot be accessed or controlled without a unique name. It is important to check whether each target control or component has a valid name or not before operation.


Here is an example for component:

Easy way to find control name, component name and name of Snapshot Bank 1:

(normal = “not named”, italic = named)

On the left side, the font of text "Crossover" is in normal type. It means "Crossover" is the component type and it is not named. At the right side, the font of text “Delay Center” is in italic style. The type of this control is "Standard Delay" and its name of is "Delay Center". It has a valid name.

Here is an example for snapshot bank:

Easy way to find control name, component name and name of Snapshot Bank 2:

(Green Rect = Name of a Snapshot Bank)