

Use this method to send power commands to a projector.

METHOD Power :hresult
bOn      :  BOOL;
bExecute :  BOOL;

bOn: If the method is called and this parameter is TRUE, a rising edge at bExecute will evoke sending a power-on command. If the method is called and this parameter is FALSE, a rising edge at bExecute will evoke sending a power-off command.

bExecute: Rising edge evokes sending a command at method call.

The projector sends a confirmation if the command can be successfully executed. The confirmation sets the output parameter stProjStatus.stPOWR.bSuccessful to TRUE for the duration of one cycle.


Mit dieser Methode können einem Projektor Mute-Befehle gesendet werden.

METHOD Mute: hresult
eMuteType :  E_PJLINK_MuteType;
bMuteOn   :  BOOL;
bExecute  :  BOOL;

eMuteType: Select the required mute type (audio, video or audio/video).

bMuteOn: Setting this parameter to TRUE causes a mute switch-on command. If the parameter is FALSE, the command becomes a mute switch-off command.

bExecute: Rising edge evokes sending a command at method call.

The projector sends a confirmation if the command can be successfully executed. The confirmation sets the output parameter stProjStatus.stAVMT.bSuccessful to TRUE for the duration of one cycle.


Use this method to send a media input switching command to a projector.

METHOD Input :hresult
eInputType    :  E_PJLINK_InputType;
nInputChannel :  STRING(1);
bExecute      :  BOOL;

eInputType: Select the required input type (RGB, video, digital, storage, network, internal).

sInputChannel: Selection of the respective channel. (Value: 1-9, A-Z. See device manual.)

bExecute: Rising edge evokes sending a command at method call.

The projector sends a confirmation if the command can be successfully executed. The confirmation sets the output parameter stProjStatus.stINPT.bSuccessful to TRUE for the duration of one cycle..


Use this method to send status requests to a projector.

METHOD Update :hresult
eUpdateType  :  E_PJLINK_UpdateType;
bExecute     :  BOOL;

eUpdateType: Select the required status request.

bExecute: Rising edge evokes sending of a command at method call.

Responses of the projector will be displayed in the output parameter stProjStatus.


Use this method to send a projector the command to switch the freezing status.

METHOD Freeze :hresult
bFreeze  :  BOOL;
bExecute :  BOOL;

bFreeze: If this parameter is TRUE when calling the method, the freeze function is activated on the projector. Sending the command with the parameter value FALSE deactivates the freeze function.

bExecute: Rising edge evokes sending a command at method call.

The projector sends a confirmation if the command can be successfully executed. The confirmation sets the output parameter stProjStatus.stFREZ.bSuccessful to TRUE for the duration of one cycle.


Use this method to change the volume of the projector's speakers.

METHOD Volume :hresult
bIncrease :BOOL;
bExecute  :BOOL;

bIncrease: If this parameter is TRUE when calling the method, a command to increase the volume will be sent. Sending the command with the parameter value FALSE will decrease the volume.

bExecute: Rising edge evokes sending a command at method call.

The projector sends a confirmation if the command can be successfully executed. The confirmation sets the output parameter stProjStatus.stSVOL.bSuccessful to TRUE for the duration of one cycle. This also happens if the maximum/minimum volume value has already been reached and another command is sent.


Use this method to change the volume of the projector's microphone.

METHOD MicVolume :hresult
bIncrease :   BOOL;
bExecute  :   BOOL;

bIncrease: If this parameter is TRUE when calling the method, a command to increase the volume will be sent. Sending the command with the parameter value FALSE will decrease the volume.

bExecute: Rising edge evokes sending a command at method call.

The projector sends a confirmation if the command can be successfully executed. The confirmation sets the output parameter stProjStatus.stMVOL.bSuccessful to TRUE for the duration of one cycle. This also happens if the maximum/minimum volume value has already been reached and another command is sent.