Virtual slave

Using the TF6280, up to eight slaves can be parameterized with a physical interface. In this case a virtual MAC address is formed for each virtual slave device, so that up to eight EtherNet/IP slaves can be operated on a PC via an Ethernet interface.

The advantage is that this option enables convenient connection of eight EtherNet/IP controllers and limitations in the bus communication with the slave can be bypassed without using additional hardware.

This feature can be used, for sample, for exchanging large data quantities with an EtherNet/IP master or for connecting with several EtherNet/IP masters in different subnets.

Create an additional box in the TwinCAT system configuration and proceed in the same way as for the configuration of a real slave.

Virtual slave 1:

Unique MAC address

If the virtual MAC address is assigned manually, ensure that it is truly unique in your network.