'Turning' process data

The process data are transferred in Intel format as standard. If the data is required in Motorola format, the data must be rotated accordingly. This step illustrates how to 'turn' the data in TwinCAT.

'Turn' the process data as follows:

1. Click the process data you want to rotate on the right in the tree view.
2. Click on the Flags tab
'Turning' process data 1:
3. Click on the required option. For WORD variables, only LOBYTE and HIBYTE can be swapped. With DWORD process data you can additionally swap the WORD
'Turning' process data 2:
  • In this way you can 'turn' process data. Use the following example to see how the data change for the individual options. Example for DWORD.

Controller data

Data received by the device

Original data

No option selected

Swap Byte (blue)

Swap Word (green)

Swap both (blue and green)




