Submodule level
PROFINET currently distinguishes between 4 types of submodule.
Virtual submodules: The virtual submodules are always permanently connected to a module. This means that when a module is inserted, the co-defined virtual submodules are also always inserted on the specified subslot. This kind of submodule is presently the commonest method.
Real submodules: Here there is a possibility to select the pluggable submodules from a submodule list and to append them to the module. The necessary information is procured from the GSDML. In TwinCAT a module can be selected from such a list with the right mouse button (provided this is supported by the device).
Interface submodules: Device-specific properties are defined in the interfaces submodules. These can be, for example, additionally supported protocols, timing properties, supported MIBs etc.
Port submodules: The physical properties of a network port are reproduced in such a submodule.