Comparison of nominal and actual population
If a connection exists, the project planning can be checked on the Diagnosis tab. Real Identification Data indicates the existing modules within an AR at this level, Expected Identification Data indicates the expected modules (i.e. those projected in the controller). Module Difference shows the differences detected by the device during the target/actual comparison.
On the Diagnosis tab within the API the corresponding API can be selected from which information is to be obtained. If, for example, the PROFINET device is a drive, then this usually supports the Profidrive profile, which is identified in turn via API0x3A00. If the Real Identification Data is to be read from this API, for example, then this access takes place via the Profidrive profile.
The Get Real Configuration button becomes active within an API (except for drives). Here you can transfer the read-in data set into the current project. Note that modules that have already been created will be overwritten when doing this. This means that the links are lost, even in the case of previously correctly created modules. When displaying the module differences, additional information is displayed by marking the message.
The available diagnosis can be read out by pressing the Diagnosis Data button. At device level all available diagnosis data for the existing AR is read out here.
Only two diagnosis parameters are displayed in the list, others are marked with "...". If the individual message is clicked, all available diagnosis information is displayed in the window below.