
In this model, the server includes a standardized interface that an OPC UA client (that supports the push model) can use to connect to a Global Discovery Server on behalf of the server, register the server application there and request a server certificate including the current Certificate Revocation List (CRL).

Push 1:

As a prerequisite for using this functionality, the OPC UA client must authenticate itself on the server with a user account that has administrator rights.

Push 2:

OPC UA Client

Any client that supports the Push model can be used as an OPC UA client. Various OPC UA toolkit manufacturers offer corresponding software packages. Alternatively, the OPC Foundation also provides a GDS Sample Client on Github.

Push 3:

GDS Server

Any GDS can be used as a Global Discovery Service. Various OPC UA toolkit manufacturers offer corresponding software packages. Alternatively, the OPC Foundation also provides a GDS Sample Server on Github.

Configuration in the server

No further special configuration steps are required in the TwinCAT OPC UA Server to use this functionality. The corresponding interface is activated by default and can be used by a user with administrator rights. The user configured during initialization has all the necessary permissions for this.